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[152], As the country surpassed the million cases on 19 October,[80] President Fernández announced on 23 October that the lockdown would be extended again for two weeks in the provinces of Chubut, Córdoba, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, San Luis, Santa Fe and Tucumán, and in Greater Buenos Aires, as these provinces have been accounting for 55 percent of the country's total cases in the previous weeks. [182], Since 1 April, the government allowed the return of Argentine residents stranded abroad, with a maximum of 700 passengers per day. [354][355] The deaths were later included in the national report of 1 October.[356]. Nov [79], On 20 October, Argentina confirmed over 1,000,000 positive cases, becoming the fifth country to do so and the second country in South America to pass the landmark. [201] 14 million students have been affected by the school closures. FORT WORTH, Texas — American Airlines Group Inc. (NASDAQ: AAL) today announced additional adjustments to its schedule in response to decreased travel demand due to coronavirus (COVID-19). Currency fluctuations due to the pandemic -- which have included a dip in the US dollar -- mean that destinations in Africa, the Americas and Eastern Europe have got less expensive since March, while western Europe, where the euro has risen in value against the dollar, has seen prices rise. [177] The unemployment rate during the second quarter of 2020 jumped to 13.1%, up from the 10.6% rate that was held in the same period in 2019,[178] reaching up to 26% in Mar Del Plata, a tourism-centered city. Lead gallery; Speed gallery; Boulder gallery; Paraclimbing gallery; Olympics gallery; Videos. [239] These areas, with scarce access to water and ventilation, as well as overcrowding, make complying to the mandatory lockdown difficult and facilitate the COVID-19 rapid spread. Catamarca was the last province to report its first case since the virus reached the country on 3 March. [20][21] The number of tests increased over time, although there were some concerns as there was less testing than in other countries of the region such as Chile and Peru. Meanwhile, the presence in residential zones increased by 27 percent. Coronavirus: Artist Saype unveils huge Alpine piece inspired by COVID-19 crisis. As of 27 December 2020 a total of 1,583,910 people were confirmed to have been infected, and 42,650 people were known to have died because of the … cliquez ici. [311], On 13 March, the 2020 running of Rally Argentina was postponed. [73] On the same day, it was confirmed that the Minister of Social Development, Daniel Arroyo, tested positive,[74] while the Minister of Health of Santa Fe was hospitalized in a hospital in Rosario due to a worsening of her symptoms after testing positive for COVID-19. Uki Goñi in Buenos Aires. The contagion rate on the Greater Buenos Aires area dropped from 93 to 50.8 percent from May though September, indicating that the virus increased its spreading through all the country. [175][176] The previous record was held during the 1998–2002 Argentine great depression, with a 16.3% drop in 2002. Staple food items largely remained the same price, while personal care products, tobacco and alcohol have all risen. IFSC Videos; Olympic Channel; Contact; COVID-19 ; About. Regarding the circulation of respiratory viruses, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza B and influenza A predominated as of that date. [185] Later, it was announced that the government was planning to authorise foreign flights with a maximum passenger capacity of 70%, as soon as mid-August. The patient was later transferred to a hospital in Japan. Reports from the City of Buenos Aires include a big number of confirmed cases from other districts that were tested and/or hospitalized in the city, leading to a big discrepancy with the number of confirmed cases from residents of the city. [50], April finally concluded with 4,415 confirmed cases, 218 deaths and 1,245 recoveries. [315] On that same day, every football category was suspended indefinitely,[316] being the match between Club Atlético Colón and Rosario Central (for the Superliga) the last played, on 16 March. There are 2 airports in Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires Ministro … Paris organizers proposed adding breakdancing to the event almost two years ago after it was staged at the 2018 Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires. 119-134. La odisea de los camioneros en la pandemia", "Camioneros cortan la ruta 34 por abusos en los controles en Santiago del Estero", "Un hombre murió al intentar cruzar una barricada entre San Luis y Córdoba", "Nerves fray in Argentina, where some flout pandemic lockdown", "Tucumán: Probe into police opened after man 'suffocated' during arrest", "Facundo Astudillo Castro's disappearance: How the search unfolded", "ARGENTINA: DISAPPEARED DURING COVID-19 QUARANTINE", "La ONU reclamó al Estado una "estrategia integral" para hallar a Facundo Castro", "«La APDH se reunió con representantes de Oficina Regional para America del Sur del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los DDHH sobre el caso de desaparición forzada y asesinato de Luis Espinoza", "Quarantine extension: new permits, more checkpoints, less public transport", "Murió Solange, la joven enferma de cáncer que no pudo despedirse de su padre en Córdoba", "Un jubilado murió en la ruta luego de que le negaran el ingreso a La Pampa para ser atendido de urgencia", "Un "país aparte", la provincia donde solo rigen las leyes de Gildo Insfrán", "Lleva 50 días varado en Formosa y no pudo estar en el nacimiento de su hija: "Voy a cruzar nadando, "La Corte Suprema le ordenó a Formosa que deje entrar a todos los varados en un plazo máximo de 15 días", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: la Corte Suprema falló contra Gildo Insfrán y ordenó la libre circulación en Formosa", "Camioneros de Salta tildan de "inhumano" fajar los vehículos", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: vuelven los vuelos internacionales", "Aerolíneas Argentinas arrancó con los vuelos de cabotaje regulares", "Commercial flights to and from Argentina could restart in October", "IATA Calls on Argentine Government to Support Aviation in the Face of COVID-19 Crisis", "Coronavirus: la televisión de aire crece en rating y cambia su programación", "Cocina, música y cine, ¿las claves de la televisión en tiempos de coronavirus? [76], On 2 October, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, isolated with his family after having contact with a government worker that tested positive for COVID-19. [10], The third phase of the lockdown was announced on 25 April by president Fernández. [44] On the next day, in the night of 19 March, President Alberto Fernández announced a mandatory lockdown, in effect from midnight on 20 March until 31 March,[7][8] but on 29 March Fernández announced that the mandatory lockdown would be extended until April 12. The plan launched first in Buenos Aires and was later extended throughout the country. [308], Through the beginning of September, several journalists, hosts, crew and famous personalities from television and radio tested positive for the virus. [204] Three months later, on 3 August, the Ministry of Education confirmed that the provinces of Catamarca, San Juan and Santiago del Estero would begin a process of returning to class under a system that would involve dividing students into groups that could attend classrooms in weekly shifts. [203], On 9 June, the Ministry of Education expressed that 85 percent of students would be able to return to classes in August, though with special hygiene measures in place, but schools in the Greater Buenos Aires area would have to wait until infections in the region begin to drop off. [192], During the last week of July, flag carrier airline Aerolíneas Argentinas sold over 188 thousand tickets, with the company reporting that 54 percent of passengers bought their tickets to travel from December 2020 to March 2021, while another 27 percent did so to travel between September and November 2020. [158] 2,452 non-hospital beds were made available to patients in the final stage of recovering from the disease from hospitals in the province of Buenos Aires. The official data from this day reclassified a death that was wrongly reported as deceased. [145] New restrictions include: public transportation allowed only for essential workers, prohibition of outdoor activities and stronger transit control on the streets. [91], The ANLIS-Malbrán (National Administration of Laboratories and Health Institutes "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán") began carrying out 300 daily COVID-19 tests. Jun Réservez un vol de Paris vers Buenos Aires avec LATAM, et faites un voyage exceptionnelle entre (PAR) et (BUE) Notre site utilise des «cookies» pour améliorer votre expérience. Foreign citizens arriving in the City of Buenos Aires and remaining in Buenos Aires for more than 24 hours will be charged 2,500.00 ARS for COVID-19 saliva testing. Discover our airport facilities, destinations proposed by airlines and flight schedules. [16] According to Fernández, this urban area saw an increase of 147% of COVID-19 cases, and an increase of 95% on deaths due to the disease during the previous 20 days of the announcement. [101] This test allows testing RNA samples and does not require complex equipment (such as thermal cyclers). Thu 19 Mar 2020 14.25 EDT. [211] Meanwhile, school activities in the Province of Buenos Aires were also confirmed by governor Kicillof to begin in October in 24 municipalties,[212][213] and finally restarted for senior year students in 15 small districts, while in other 79 bigger districts only "rebonding" school activities were allowed. [214][215] A private report estimated in November that 34% of Argentine students were allowed to attend these "rebonding" school activities, while 1% of them were in fact attending in-person classes at the time. [255][256] This caused demonstrations of people against the occupation, which ended in the National Minister of Security starting legal complaints against the demonstrators. [289][290], Commercial flights were restricted from April to the end of October,[291][292] following one of the longest lockdowns worldwide,[293][294] and causing criticism from the International Air Transport Association. What is the IFSC? Aug [63] As the lockdown was due to expire on 20 September, two days earlier President Fernández confirmed another extension of the lockdown for three weeks until 11 October. Special testing and containment efforts had to be put in place in lower-income neighborhoods, mostly after outbreaks in Buenos Aires (Villa 31 and Barrio Mujica) and Quilmes (Villa Azul and Villa Itatí) shantytowns. Total del país. NOVEAUX VOLS POUR COMISO. This is due to the fact that the ministries are giving their reports at different times throughout the day and also to different criteria regarding the counting of infected: by district of hospitalization or district of residence. [114][115] As of the day of the announcement, the vaccine, consisting of modified chimp adenovirus vector,[116] was entering phase III. [167], According to a survey, approximately 143,000 SMEs would not be able to pay salaries and fixed costs for the month, even with government assistance, so they might have to borrow or increase their own capital contribution. Number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths by province. [209] Private schools in the City of Buenos Aires were also allowed to return to face-to-face activities since 16 October. [14][141] Later, on 4 June, the lockdown was extended again until 28 June in the Greater Buenos Aires area after the country just surpassed 20,000 cases. This was fueled by the lockdown and how difficult it was for the house owners (most of them from Greater Buenos Aires) to access their properties and reinforce security. COVID-19. After it would be approved by the ANMAT, the trial would take place at the Central Militar Hospital. Año 2010", "Actualización de los casos de coronavirus en la Ciudad", "Sala de Situación del Ministerio de Salud COVID-19", "Informe diario de casos y medidas - Gobierno de Córdoba", "Parte Epidemiológico - Secretaría de Comunicación de la Provincia de Entre Ríos", "Actualización Epidemiológica - Ministerio de Salud", "Subsecretaría de Comunicación y Vínculo Ciudadano — Gobierno de Misiones", "Portal de Noticias — Gobierno de Río Negro", "Histórico de Noticias del Gobierno de Salta", "Ministerio de Salud - Santiago del Estero", "coronavirus — Gobierno de Tierra del Fuego", "Noticias Destacadas — Ministerio de Salud Pública de Tucumán", "Coronavirus en Argentina: confirman 9 casos más y ya son 65 los contagiados", "Death toll reaches 15,000 as Covid-19 surge continues", "Coronavirus. [60] A few days later, the government decided to ban social gatherings across the country for 15 days amid surge of infections and fatalities. Also, meetings of up to ten people in the open air, maintaining two meters of distance and using a face mask were authorized throughout the country. [171], The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported that the COVID-19 crisis would plunge Argentina's GDP by 9.9 percent, after the country's economy contracted by 5.4 percent in first quarter of 2020, with unemployment rising over 10.4 percent in the first three months of the year, before the lockdown started. Brazil, of course, has suffered hugely during the pandemic. Last 15 days [313], On 15 March, President Fernández announced that, among other measures, he intended to keep football matches ongoing but without audience. [153], On 6 November, Fernández announced that the lockdown would come to an end in Greater Buenos Aires in order to move to the social distancing phase, although it could continue in other provinces until 29 November. [2] Two days later, the second case was confirmed in a 23-year-old man living in Buenos Aires, who had recently returned from Northern Italy. [126][129] Image of Fernández increased during the first weeks of the lockdown according to some surveys,[130] but later suffered a slightly decrease on April due to the prolongation of the lockdown. [7][8] The government later extended the lockdown to mid April,[9] then 26 April;[10] and on 25 April, President Alberto Fernández announced that the lockdown would be extended in major cities until 10 May. The agriculture sector was the least affected, but overall the economic activity for the first trimester of 2020 accumulates a 5% contraction. [72] On 25 September, the Health Access Secretary informed that during the previous week there was a "stabilization trend" in the Greater Buenos Aires area with a "high peak of positive cases". [24][25] The case fatality rate for COVID-19[26][27] has been much lower than the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak, but transmission has been significantly greater, with a significant total death toll. [172][173][174] Other reports also indicate that the economy might shrink between 10% to 12% during 2020. [198] According to Google, since the lockdown, people movement in restaurants, shopping centers, cinemas and museums dropped by 86 percent, the presence of mobile phones on public transportation dropped 80 percent, and in offices a 57 percent. Over 10,000 students in San Juan became the first to return to face-to-face classes through social distancing on 10 August. Breakdancing will be in the Paris 2024 Olympics and squash has been trying unsuccessfully for decades. [147] Public transportation would still be only allowed for workers in essential areas such as healthcare, security, gastronomy and others. [148], As the lockdown was due to expire on 2 August, Fernández announced in a press conference on 31 July that the restrictions would continue until 16 August at least, after the country recorded a record daily tally of new cases and deaths on the previous day of the announcement. [156][157] Previously, President Fernández announced the construction of eight emergency hospitals to deal with the pandemic on mid-March. Apr Number of confirmed COVID-19 cases by jurisdiction. "The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the US dollar to weaken while western European and north Asian currencies have strengthened against it, which in turn has shifted prices for goods and services" said Upasana Dutt, head of worldwide cost of living at the EIU. [17] Two weeks later, on 31 July, in another press conference, Fernández announced that the lockdown restrictions at that moment would continue until 16 August as there were a record of cases and deaths in the past days due to the virus. As of this date, 65 percent of the total daily confirmed cases come from all the country except the Greater Buenos Aires area, which was the main contagion focus in the past months. [264], On 4 August, the Sarmiento Line of train interrupted its service after COVID-19 cases were detected among its employees. [7] It was among the strictest measures in the region. This page was last edited on 28 December 2020, at 04:09. Called ELA-chemstrip, it was developed by Argentine scientists from the National University of Quilmes and the National University of General San Martín. Breakdancing has been confirmed as an official Olympic sport. [6] The person was not among the eight already diagnosed with the disease and was diagnosed post-mortem. This was better than the forecast announced by analysts and a smaller drop than in the previous months since the beginning of the pandemic. The official data from 2020-07-20 included a total of 4,019 new cases, from which only 3,937 correspond to confirmed cases on this day. The UN made claims to the Argentine government on these cases. [94], As an effort to fight and contain the virus, the Ministry of Health implemented a plan of contact tracing in defined areas where an increase in the number of cases is detected or estimated. The antibodies were obtained by injecting a recombinant protein of SARS-CoV-2 in these animals, with in vitro testings demonstrating the ability to neutralize the virus. [67][68], On 14 August, it was confirmed that the Governor of Jujuy (Gerardo Morales) and the Security Minister from the Province of Buenos Aires (Sergio Berni) tested positive for COVID-19. [138], On 10 April, Fernández confirmed that the lockdown would be extended until 26 April under a "new phase"[48] with new authorizations available for workers of some services such as banks, among others. Sólo el 1% de los estudiantes asiste a clases presenciales", "Ciudad. The official data from this day reclassified two deaths that were wrongly reported as deceased. [37][38], On 15 March, it was announced that the government would close its borders for a total of 15 days to non-residents and national parks, and the suspension of public and private school classes in all levels and flights from highly affected countries for 30 days. [306] An employee from América TV was also diagnosed with COVID-19 on 18 June. The highest drop was of the construction sector (32%) versus March 2019. The biggest rise is Tehran, which has climbed up the ladder from 106th to 79th, due to US sanctions impacting supplies. The official data from 2020-10-01 included 3,050 deaths from the Province of Buenos Aires confirmed on 2020-09-25 that were missed in previous reports and were added after a delay in the loading of data. [87] This led to an end on the lockdown established in the Greater Buenos Aires area after more than seven months, set to conclude on 8 November and moving into the social distancing phase. Some provinces also require COVID-19 tests with negative result before boarding aircraft or arriving. The GXI Vol.4 provides insight on how global macro trends and COVID-19 have impacted certain industry segments: Digital adoption patterns are changing in response to massive disruptions [139] Cities with population over 500,000 inhabitants are still under mandatory lockdown due to the communitary transmission of the virus. Just in time for the 40th anniversary of “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo,” the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris are adding a new sport: breakdancing. [193], On 22 September 2020, low-cost carriers such as Flybondi, JetSmart Argentina, and legacy airline Aerolíneas Argentinas confirmed that they had moved the dates of their flights with 12 October as the expected restart date, while the Ministry of Transport assured that regular domestic flights would resume in November 2020. One of a 480 hectares (1,200 acres) National Parks area in Villa Mascardi received the biggest national media attention. [8], The "preventive and mandatory social isolation" included the following measures:[128], On 29 March, Fernández announced that the mandatory lockdown would be extended until 12 April. The cities of Tartagal, La Rioja, Chamical, Santiago del Estero and La Banda were expected to join the places that were already with a strict lockdown such as Greater Buenos Aires, Jujuy (Libertador Gral. [43] The provinces of Chaco, Misiones, Salta, Jujuy, Mendoza and Tierra del Fuego also decided to close their borders on 18 March. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. The networks increased the airtime of talk shows and news programming, while reality shows were still in production. [321][322], Since 12 March, contrasted data between the numbers reported by the provincial ministries and the total number provided by the national Ministry of Health show differences. Donations reached a total of 87,938,624 Argentine pesos (ARS). Covid-19: à Buenos Aires, après 6 mois de confinement, les règles s’assouplissent . It does not attempt to cover a number of other developments that are relevant to travelers, such as airline route cancellations, the closing of consular posts, and national travel advisories. Buenos Aires. [123][124], The government's responses to the pandemic was very well seen, including the mandatory lockdown and strict social distancing measures, resulting in a general better look in the number of cases and deaths than other countries in the region. [105] Another SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic kit with RT-qPCR technology was approved in September by ANMAT, while a new kit under development (as of that date), would allow the joint detection of SARS-CoV-2 and the viruses that cause influenza. [167][168][169][126] The country may also have to face its ninth sovereign default in history due to the recession. [265] 36 workers tested positive for the virus and 130 people had to be isolated. Several tourism-related cities also saw a massive migration from Argentine residents after the announcement of the national lockdown. [15] On 26 June, Fernández announced that the restrictions on movement in this area that were previously eased would be tightened again until 17 July due to a large spike in cases on the previous days. [33], A first case of the COVID-19 was confirmed in Buenos Aires on 3 March, in a 43-year-old man who had arrived two days earlier from Milan, Italy. The DetectAr testing campaign in Buenos Aires' slums included research of housing conditions and the taking of samples in common areas (such as meal centers) for RT-qPCR tests, which showed high SARS-CoV-2 prevalence. [278][279], Mobility was heavily restricted, with strict checkpoints in province's borders, which allowed entrance only on a limited number of cases with a permit. Also, 201 murders (16 less than in 2019), and 120 attacks with injured victims (against 197 from the previous year) were reported. [159], During the pandemic, more than 400 health professionals were infected, making the 15 percent of the total confirmed cases as of 19 April. [62] President Fernández announced on 28 August that meetings of up to ten people in the open air, maintaining two meters of distance and using a face mask were authorized throughout the country. [246] Housing projects, which had been unfinished for years, were also occupied in some areas. Moscow is at number 106, and Delhi at 121. [44], On 19 March, President Alberto Fernández announced a mandatory lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus. May Visit the website or go straight to the COVID-19 area of the library to find resources on prevention and control measures. [125] The measures also brought some concerns with the economic impact that it could cause to the country. Previously, the delivery of the diagnostic result was taking four to five days on average for patients in private clinics. [18], Responses to the outbreak have included restrictions on commerce and movement, closure of borders, and the closure of schools and educational institutions. Contagion rate from Greater Buenos Aires diminished versus the rest of the country. It's not just the cities that have swapped around. [107][108] On 10 July, pharmaceutical corporations Pfizer and BioNTech announced that the clinical trial for the COVID-19 vaccine BNT162 that was on phase I–II as of the day of the announcement, would begin on early-August in Argentina, soon after the trial began on Germany and the United States. [266], As for the human rights situation, claims were made on police brutality,[267] an increase of domestic violence,[268] human trafficking,[269] and the right to freedom of movement. [160], Argentina's health system is also dealing with a Dengue fever outbreak, with more than 14,000 cases since 29 July 2019,[161] and the worse measles outbreak since the end of its endemic circulation, after 174 cases and a death were confirmed since the last year. The charts show the development of the pandemic starting from 3 March 2020, representing changes in net number of cases on a daily basis, based on the number of cases reported in the daily reports by each district. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. [187] Following this travel ban, one of the most strict in the world,[188] airline LATAM Argentina closed definitely on 17 June,[189][190][191] due to "the conditions of the local industry, aggravated by the pandemic".

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