la révélation divine islam


la révélation divine islam

No new law needs promulgation, nor is there a need for a new prophet with a new law. (3) Then we have Aaron the priest and Solomon the King, both great figures, but each subordinate to another primary figure, viz., Moses (mentioned in the next verse) and David (mentioned at the end of this verse). Cela vous aidera à développer une sainte crainte de Dieu, et à … The Qur’an says: ‘(Pharaoh) said: "Who then, O Moses, is the Lord of you two?" The Qur’an says: ‘Is it a wonder for people that We have revealed to a man among them, saying: “Warn mankind and bring unto those who believe the good tidings that they have a sure footing with their Lord”? _____ References: 1- The Holy Bible. 68 likes. Cette Page est créé pour les Fans de la Chorale Révélation Divine "Mère" CHOREDI MERE" en sigle. - The lexical meaning: This is deduced from the root of the word. Quran was revealed to Allah’s final messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Angel of Allah, Gabriel, to bring humankind out of the darkness of polytheism and ignorance and into the light of Islam. Do we receive revelations in actual words? Moreover, this also is true that the revelations of the prophets and the messengers of Allah is always very clear and of the highest order and of incomparable clarity: it removes the darkness of doubts just as the rays of the sun dispels darkness. Through the indications of hadiths, Muslims believe that there have been 124,000 prophets. (Holy Quran 16:90). But We have made the revelation a light, whereby We guide such of Our servants as We please. With the ending of prophethood after the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the highest form of Divine revelation, which was exclusive to prophets, has also terminated. 11) The first person to interpret the Qur’an was the Prophet Muhammad. Although there is no fixed pattern among those who have adopted this approach, the general assumption among them is that the most important aspect of the Qur’an is the inner or esoteric aspect, which can be understood only by those who are at a high level of spirituality and whose hearts are so pure that they can receive divine inspirations. In connection with the calf that the Israelites began to worship in the temporary absence of the Prophet Moses, God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: ‘Did they not see that it spoke not to them, nor guided them in any way. Verbal or literal communication, by which the actual words of God are conveyed in human language. When the recipient first hears it, he begins to wonder from where the voice has come, and he turns around to see who is talking so sweetly. In short, the revelation of God Almighty is the fountain-head of all knowledge and sciences and all the material as well as the spiritual blessings are because of revelation. Among the Shi'a, Tafsir by Ali b. Ibrahim (d. 307), Al-Burhan by S. Hashim Bahrani (d. 1107) and Nur al-Thaqalayn by A. Huwayzi (d. 1112) are some of the most well-known works that use the same method. 4 (Egypt: Mu'assesah fi Al-Tibaa'ah), Ibn Arabi, Muhy al-Din, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Karim, Vol. La révélation est, pour une religion monothéiste, la connaissance qu'elle affirme détenir directement de son dieu. [By: Mufti Muhammad Shafi’i Uthmani (rahimahullah)] Since the Holy Qur’an was revealed to our beloved prophet Sayyidina Muhammad al-Mustafa (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) by means of Wahy (revelation), an understanding of some particulars about Wahy is imperative at the very outset. “The name of this angel, or heavenly being, is Gabriel or the Faithful Spirit. 20 Ma'rifat, Muhammad Hadi, 'Ulum-e Qur'ani, Mutahhari, Murtada (1368 S.A.H. Similarly the Bahai people hold the same view. And We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart: Nor could any of you withhold him (from Our wrath). Reynold Alleyne Nicholson. The second type is that which I would call Ilhaam because of its wonderful qualities. Khidr le présent du futur ( par Yahia Gouasmi ) - Duration: 21:14. Is revelation confined to a particular land or country? Very often it may descend when one is fully awake and it so appears that someone has suddenly infused the word into the mind of the hearer, or has spattered the words over him. Technically it means to clarify and explain the hidden or concealed aspects of a text. La doctrine de la révélation divine de saint Thomas d'Aquin. It must be understood that God Almighty has mentioned clearly in the Holy Quran: And it is not for a man that Allah should speak to him except by direct revelation, or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger to reveal by His command what He pleases. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. In this book the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, discusses the philosophy of divine revelation, the three categories of people who claim to receive revelation, and the distinction of the truthful from the false. Muslims scholars of the past have explained that the correct meaning of the expression Khataman-Nabiyyen and Laa Nabi B’adi simply mean that no prophet would ever come after the Holy Prophet(sa), who would revoke and abrogate the law of the Quran – Islam. Revelation definition is - an act of revealing or communicating divine truth. ‘They set up (a claim of) equality with the prophets; they supposed the saints to be like themselves. These messages are preserved for the benefit of mankind and consist of prophecies, which are the most important means of proving the truth to those who do not believe in the existence of God Almighty. In another place He says regarding the Holy Quran: A Messenger from Allah, reciting pure scriptures, wherein are lasting commandments. God Almighty is the Creator of the whole of mankind and He alone is their Sustainer. As this reverberation subsides he feels strange and sweet words on his tongue, and that state is not possible to describe. (73:4). He was also a very spiritual man. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind is that the concept is used primarily for divine revelation in the Qur’an, though there is also a more general sense of conveying any message. But this type is not as wonderful as the one already described. In some of these works, the authors deny supernatural facts such as angels or jinn, or miracles of the prophets such as the revival of the dead. People of wisdom would acclaim this truth and would wish that God’s revelation must reach every nook and corner of the globe. 3) Though receiving divine revelation is an extraordinary gift, it should by no means be taken as strange, dubious or suspicious phenomenon. 1, Kulayni, Muhammad (1397 A.H.), Usul al-Kafi (Tehran: Dar al- Kutub al-Islamiyyah) Ma'rifat, Muhammad Hadi, Al-Tafsir wa al- Mufassirun, Vols. The Holy Prophet(sa), was commanded to say: ‘And if I am rightly guided, it is because of what my Lord revealed to me.’ (Holy Quran, Chapter 34, Verse 51). IV. He allows the words to be uttered by the tongue of the recipient in a state of slumber. We are your friends in this life and the hereafter. The Holy Quran is the Book which not only verifies all the previous Divine Books, but is also their compendium. Yahia GOUASMI 161,902 views. I respond to the call of the supplicant when he calls on me. Here tafsir would involve an act of unveiling and exposing those inner meanings.31, A sound tafsir can never be in conflict with the outer meaning.32 Moreover, a sound tafsir has to be able to show the relationship between the apparent or outer meaning and the underlying or inner meaning. And the distinction granted to me was only because of him. The fifth type. They all receive its benefit and prosper. Any supposed Tradition or saying of the Holy Prophet(sa) that goes against the Quran is undoubtedly false. Christians believe that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was the Climax of Gods involvement with humanity. Not much is known about this revelation, but Islam confirms that the Psalms were recited much like poetry or hymns. - The grammatical meaning: This is deduced from the function and position of the word with respect to the whole speech. L’événement marque pour lui le début de la Prophétie, à 40 ans. The most recent outstanding contemporary tafsir for Sunni Muslims is Al-Tafsir al-Munir by Wahbah Zuhayli, published in 1991. Hence there was a step by step process of revelation where the verses were revealed at specific instances to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) making it easy to circulate and propagate the information to the followers of Islam. But verily it is Truth of assured certainty. was used for the worship of Allah alone. Divine Revelation: An Islamic Perspective on Divine Guidance and Human Understanding. I would like to convince my listeners that the only God Who is the source of true salvation cannot be found without following the Holy Quran. This is the reason why he is called ‘The Seal of Prophets’. God Almighty has appointed the Holy Prophet(sa) as the one through whom God Almighty verifies the spiritual authenticity of His true servants. La divine révélation (Visualizza in formato Marc21) Record Nr. There is also a technical sense in which the term “wahy” is used to denote “communication of God to the Prophets”. (40:2). (Revelation may be distinguished from mystical experience in Judaism, in which a human being experiences divine presence without receiving some specific message or teaching to bring to other people.) If we are not permitted to see the Beloved, could we be honoured with His talk? Sometimes a text may convey different possibilities or alternative meanings. He was like a hidden treasure, and He has sent me so that I might shut the mouths of atheists. According to the well-known hadith of thaqalayn and other hadiths, the Prophet has given the responsibility of interpreting the Qur’an to his household.36 Among the household of the Prophet the first to interpret the Qur’an and introduce the Qur’anic teachings to Muslims was Ali b. Abi Talib, the cousin and son in law of the Prophet who was brought up in the house of the Prophet. The Promised Messiah(as), the Divinely appointed arbiter, has said ‘The majority of Muslim scholars make no distinction between Ilhaam and Wahee, and the Holy Prophet(sa) also used to do the same.’. For example, Imam Ali says: "Verily, God… sent down to him [the Prophet Muhammad] the book with truth".29 This is why Muslims believe that translations of the Qur’an however accurate and perfect they may be are just translations and can by no means be considered the Qur’an itself. For example, there are historical reports that on occasions Gabriel appeared to the Prophet Muhammad in the form of Dehyah al- Kalbi who was the fostered brother of the Prophet. Some of these exegetes have still been loyal to the literal or apparent meanings of the Qur’an, so they introduce the inner meanings in line with the outer meanings. L'islam selon la revelation divine Diafar Ouattara. The main distinction to be found in the writings of the Shi'a scholars is ontological and epistemological. In an announcement, ‘Invitation to the Truth’, which was addressed to the Christian preachers, the Promised Messiah said: ‘In this age also people have tried their utmost to defame the Holy Prophet(sa). Not much is known about this revelation, but Muslim tradition confirms that the Psalms were recited much like poetry or hymns. Therefore, in order to be ever-living and self-subsisting it would be absolutely necessary for a true deity to be able to converse with mankind and reveal His instructions. The Christian view, more or less, is the same as that of the Jews. Loading... Unsubscribe from Diafar Ouattara? Therefore, whenever they find no hadith they may keep silent. If a prophet himself is in doubt about his mission and message how can people be expected to believe in him, follow him wholeheartedly and sacrifice their lives and possessions in the way that he asks them? Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 4.93K. Therefore, they take it to be a service to the Qur’an and Islam to show how the Qur’anic verse comply with the modern science. The answer to this question would need many volumes to do full justice. Torah Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. So did the Prophet Muhammad in the Night of Mi‘raj.24. Compassionate, (Tafseer-e-Kabeer, Chapter Al-Zilzal, pp. Though in Arabic “qa-ra-‘a” includes reading or reciting by heart, it is only applicable when a text or script is involved. (25:32). Indeed He is all- exalted, all-wise. But it must not be forgotten that there is always a difference between the revelation of a prophet and the revelation of a saint. This bliss may be obtained through one’s ears or eyes. Now we come to the third question which is: Are revelations received in actual words? In addition to Qur'anic evidence, one may also refer to the endless number of hadiths, in which the same titles or verbs are used for the Qur'an. It would be quite correct to say that the Holy Quran is the only source of all the teachings of Islam, and according to the general consensus of a great number of Muslim scholars, the Holy Quran is without any doubt, the Word of God. Even in this age, the glorious spiritual son of the Holy Prophet(sa), who had been granted the Divine Commission, was honoured by revelations in many different languages. (Chapter 14, Verses 25-26). The Review of Religions, November 1994. The revelation of this Book is from God Exalted in Power Full of Knowledge. Related to the subject on which I am talking today is the question: When, according to Islam, did the system of revelation start? Below we will discuss the 4 revealed holy books in Islam. Thus have We revealed to you [Muhammad] a Spirit of Our command. (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, page 247). We would quote here only thirty names of the saints who lived after the Holy Prophet(sa) had passed away. Had not been a follower of the Holy Prophet(sa), and had I not followed his ways, I could not possibly have achieved this great success even though my deeds might have been piled higher than all the mountains of the earth.’ (Tajalliyyat Ilahiyya, p. 24). Interpretation of the Qur’an by hadiths (al-tafsir al-riwaa’i). (Taj-ul-Uroos, v.10, p 385). In the Holy Quran the process of Ilhaam has also been called Wahee, whether these come to a prophet or a saint. The Sanatanists – a Hindu sect in India – believe that it was Brahma who was honoured with Divine revelation. The Arabic word “ zabur ” comes from a root word meaning song or music. Islam : révélation choc la clé de Dieu 2/2 // Seyyed Yahia Gouasmi - Duration: 19:20. He has granted His seal to the Holy Prophet(sa) which has not been awarded to anyone before him. Certainly he saw some of the greatest signs of his Lord.’ (53:11-18). ‘Abduh interpreted the Qur’an from the beginning up to the middle of the Chapter of Women (al-Nisa’) and then Rashid Reza (1282-1354) took over the job and continued up to the final verses of the Chapter of Joseph (Yusuf). revelations This means that all of a sudden a word or a sentence is inspired. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of, please donate online. The above names have been given at random; the saints themselves have mentioned in their writings this great blessing of God. The second form of Divine guidance is where God sends the Prophets and divine books for man to learn the purpose of his creation and how he can realise his true potentials. It is, therefore, quite true that without revelation and the word of God, man the best of creation, would have remained restless.

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