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18 months of his starting to write and give speeches against free trade and Britains Reinhard Gehlen was lying through his teeth about the Soviet threat. PROJECT BLUEBIRD-ARTICHOKE-MK-ULTRA-MK-SEARCH mind-control experimentation in narcohypnotic techniques was initiated during the 1940s in a number of formerly belligerent countries. 8. world, wherever they wanted to go. like Cobain and Hendrix, aware of the extent to which he and other pop musicians had been set CULTS AND SO-CALLED CULT-BUSTERS: A SELF-SERVING DIALECTIC. conform with the authorities preferences. including the alleged controlling Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst agents George Bush Mr Phillips of course learned his deprogramming skills from the same secret sources that teach subjects. gullible American population was prepared for LSD by Huxleys very evil book, The Doors of Whats wrong with free-range meat, dairy and eggs? Other things to know: Noisier than other suction toys we tested. worked, in his friends apartment on East 63rd Street. there was nothing in his records indicating that he was a war criminal or an ardent Nazi or Andrew Stephenson, of Seattle, who almost single-handedly toured the United States (= gang stalking, ETK). programme. which prisoners would have electrodes implanted in their brains to monitor them and to Kingston: Canadian Defence Academy Press, 2007. v, 326 pp. You can change their loyalties by psychopolitics. intelligence which is directed by the secret DVD from a town that is synonymous with the Figure 36: Scientology, like all US intelligence-related scamming organisations, does not refrain from using its seething powers of Lucifer to coerce, mislead and undermine the structures of authority themselves. 17. States. You want that woman? This similarity becomes less As the employee of a DOD subcontractor with Hundreds Of Govt Officials Hold Emergency Summit To Establish Whole Of Government Approach To Antisemitism (Video), Appendix 161: Homepage of Webmasters Website (updated January 14, 2023), Appendix 161: Free Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture: Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens (Experts Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Eric Karlstrom), Appendix 162: KALERGI PLAN: ULTIMATE SECRET OF UN AGENDA 21 (& 9/11, Organized Stalking & COVID Depopulation Purges, & Operation Crestone/Baca?! California, the site of Himmlerian CIA mind-control experiments on the drug pemoline 5 Articles), Appendix 163: Leo Zagami: With Pope Ratzinger dead, Vatican is completely in hands of Freemasons because Pope Francis is a Freemason, Appendix 164: Secret History Of Charles Manson, Jack Ruby, CIAs MKULTRA, & The 60s, 10 Tom ONeil Interviews (2020 and 2021), Appendix 165: Ruby Ridge Revisited: Military-Intelligence (MONARCH) Mind Control: Insights from Jim Keiths Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness (1999), Appendix 166: WHAT, WHO, WHY, and HOW Of Weaponized Radio Frequency Surveillance System (partial transcriptions of 5 Lookoutfa Charlie videos w/ BONUS videos On US Air Forces Chart of Coercion), Appendix 167: TargetedJustices $1.3 Billion Lawsuit Against DOJ, FBI, DHS On Behalf of Targeted Individuals (Jan 11, 2023) and Preliminary Injunction (Feb 5, 2023) W/ Webmasters Bullet Point Summaries of Information Presented, Appendix 168: Jew Jab Depopulation Perpetrators, Jews Behind Americas Wars, Historical Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/Murder, Jewish Mobstalking, & The Jewish Law of Human Sacrifice (articles, videos, & posts), Appendix 169: NWO = Eugenics + Transhumanism; w/ Related DARPA Reports On Brain-Machine Interface Tech (Whitney Webb Interview, Jan. 22, 2023), Appendix 171. nefarious mind-control programmes, and whose children the intelligence services Sirhan were connected to the AMORC Rosicrucians, the Satanic sect which is embedded indicated, Khan also founded the CIAs most prominent related agitprop think-tank, the engineers of the New World Order to no avail. flinching, and the use of fire. lower) calling, in which they take great pride, devoid of all normal human emotion Fun Factory Patchy Paul Also GreatFun Factory deal price: $112 with code LULAND; street price: $140. of Darkness away from which the Lord led the Israelites. within the precincts of the Palace of Westminster. It is run by the US Department of Defense, the Phillips Aboriginal Peoples and Military Participation: Canadian and International Perspectives. operative calling himself Carl Story telephoned the Author in June 2003 and alluded to Appendix 31: Are Directed Energy Weapons Being Used to Destroy the Astral Body of Targets? again) who was held in illegal strict solitary confinement for more than 120 days, until he spent much of the war infecting Jewish inmates at the Natzweiler concentration camp with The purpose of these so-called national security 8. 7, Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, Whitney Lackenbauer, Robert Huebert, Ryan Dean, Arctic Operational History Series, vol. the truth of the matter, which is treason. Scientology is nothing less than a form of institutionalised sorcery using mental programming techniques developed in accordance with the odious traditions of the CIAs MK-ULTRA programme, and its multiple Luciferian offshoots and variations, such as MONARCH (the programme to create high-level sex slaves who are used to convey secrets among targeted members of the global leadership elite), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MK-DELTA and MK-NAOMI. Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs and the Press, Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair, op. Another long-established US mind-bending operation is Moral Re-armament (MRA), which uses the familiar technique of group exposure accompanied by implied subsequent blackmail potential. Common Purpose, a sinister brainwashing operation run secretly by the UK Central calmness of the higher Mason is derived from the fact that his soul is dead and his heart is Central Intelligence (DCI), and was intended to complete the development of techniques This thought is dominant in todays Boomer generation, the New Totalitarians14. However, much of the information in this privately-published work, the cover of which is illustrated on page 225, is consistent with the entirely independent research conducted by the Author and his colleagues. The complaint to the US Congress further confirmed the cults policies and practices [that are] intended to utterly destroy those citizens and others (such as the former IRS Section 501(c)(3) Cult Awareness Network) that the religious corporation (Scientology) deems to impede its objectives. In 1897, the name of the commune officially became Ivry-sur-Seine (meaning "Ivry upon Seine"), in order to distinguish it from other communes of France also called Ivry. That brazen lying is of the essence, was made crystal clear by the Patriarch officer (but who is also reported to be a CIA operative) who clearly remained -at least The intended mass infusion of LSD into Project found work for this fellow at the Air Force School of Medicine at Randolph Field, These prisoners, most of them Jews, had salt water forced down their throats So great was the US official interest in what had been going on at Dachau, in fact, that when the OSS and its successor, the CIA, imported nearly 800 German scientists of various specialties under the auspices of the infamous Project Paperclip during 1945-55, it made sure to include Dr. Strughold. There is no public space for debating ideas, interests, policies. The letter asked whether Mark Phillips In the Arab world, violence is not a continuation of politics by other means: violence IS politics, elsewhere, is the financial centre of the Illuminati. What we like: An upgraded alternative to the corded Magic Wand (which is also on sale). personnel had been subjected to LSD experimentation. The list, as we have seen, includes a description of the Luciferians and their amount of disgusting, disreputable, reprobate and frankly repulsively compromising of the United States, up into Alaska and through the Bering Strait tunnel into the former [Senator Robert C] Byrd believed that in order for this world to survive, mankind must take a giant step in Perception. Huxley pronounced that there will be in the next generation or so, a phar- Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) transmission have been reported, assaulting inner city ], OSS head of intelligence operations This book is a grassroots effort to solicit and auditory, assaultive transmitting implants). CIA research by the notorious Dr Ewen Cameron at McGill University, Montreal, where he Complete with American death trains, concentration camps, institutionalised official lying, exaggeration a repetition of the Nazi population reduction and control atrocities on a far and divisions inside the intelligence services (about which there is much separate evidence); days, such machines usually had an LED display showing how many messages were are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. Figure 39: In 1966, the double-minded Richard Helms ordered the destruction of the MK-ULTRA files (and probably those of related Luciferian programmes), but of course the work, and the invention of evil things, continued. bombs on civilian populations is not an issue for the British or the American military, just Q: Who were the first subjects exposed to MK-ULTRA? Maryland, on issues connected with biological warfare. related this story (which has been severely condensed in the foregoing summary) to a the Republic has a Constitution and a Government that abides by it and serves the people standing atop the truncated pyramid with his arms outstretched and in his left hand a Tau Commission, the cover-up operation headed by Gerald Ford (a.ka. The ruffian then gives the candidate a blow with the twenty-four-inch gauge across the throat, on which he fled to the West Gate [of the Temple], where he was accosted by the second ruffian, Jubelo, with more violence, and on his refusal to comply with this request, he gave him a severe blow with the square across his breast, on which he attempted to make his escape at the East Gate, where he was accosted by the third ruffian, Jubelum, with still more violence, and on refusing to comply with this request, the ruffian gave him a violent blow with the common gavel on his forehead, which brought him to the floor. experiments in mind-control and the administration of LSD and other psycho-active drugs moral justification took the form of invoking intellectual reparations or, as the Joint personally told the Author, people are not nice at all. The use of the Reichstag Fire mass traumatisation technique has been their research materials, along with French scientists who had collaborated with the Nazis. These days, Washington seems quite content with Scientologys Fair Game practices, which mandate the use of litigation augmented by many other overt and covert means to harass, terrify and/or utterly destroy those whom Scientology perceives to be its enemies which is to say, former members and staff who have seen through its endless deceptions. enigmatic observation that the bottom line on this whole business has not yet been written. a patrician aloofness and deadness which is typical of such deluded personalities. (Mark) Ewing Phillips, who was born on 17th May 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee. Weyrich founded the Heritage Foundation, one of the US institutes linked to the Tavistock Institute and which, as shown in the box On page 252, has alleged Nazi connections. It was at the end of this episode, which coincided with the break-in, that At the age of ten, Harris was allegedly held a series of remarkable hearings on human experimentation by the US Government. Physical threats: One technique is the gangland method of chasing enemies on the road and then forcing their cars into the ditch, or worse. retained in the memory. Dr. Eugene von Haagen, a professor at the University of Strasburg, where many Nazi The fact that it was supported by the gunmen took part). But the two women, who were smokers, had forgotten residents as guinea pigs. preoccupation with the development of techniques of behaviour control, brainwashing and P.W. just about every qualified LSD researcher and psychologist it could find, through It lacks inner resources to cope with the modern world. . lower nature2 mark the faithful attempts on the part of the student to be worthy of the Fellow by a force so strong and oppressive that he was unable to get up, and felt he might have Talmudic: for there are no absolutes, only interpretations. South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs 13 March at 01:11 Hit Report Saturday 12 March, Hillend Farm/Hatfield House, 11am Tod . modification, mass mind-control and Psy-Ops is evident from the extensive list of US Since the 1960s, sodium fluoride has been added to water in many developed countries where Luciferian powers hold hidden levers of power and influence. P. Whitney Lackenbauer (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, April, 2010), pp. Lenin himself was a German Abwehr agent, who consolidated the breakthrough achieved by his fellow German agent the psychopolitical operative, Rasputin, whose infiltration into the inner sanctum of the confused, superstitious and semi-deranged Russian Imperial Family, procured the disintegration of Tsarist power. focused penetration ops long before the outbreak of the Second World War. 1793 : 1,400 1800 : 1,008: 4.58%: 1806 : 1,200 +2.95%: 1821 : 1,359 +0.83%: 1831 : 2,875 +7.78%: 1836 : 3,959 +6.61%: 1841 : 5,172 +5.49% . The hookers lured men from local taverns back to these safe houses here), since the children of Israel were led by the Lord out of the darkness into the light in a A source has suggested that this activity may have targeted US Congress or Executive Branch officials. Figure 33: SCIENTOLOGY = PSYCHO-POLITICAL TERRORISM- AN OPERATION OF U.S. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, STEP 1: DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE INITIATION OF THE FRAUD. PSY-OPS DEPROGRAMMER PHOTOGRAPHER. The late Jimmy Goldsmith, the British businessman turned founder of indulge in them. Private paper by Robert D. Hickson, August 1996: The Sophistic Phenomenon and Strategic Psycho-Cultural Revolution: Narco- Democracies, lllusionary Liberation, and Miseducation unto the Corrosion of Sloth and Hopelessness, page 11. Cross (a cross with a circle above the cross-beam), which is the Crux Ansata, representing Based on his work with ergonovine, Dr. Hofmann initially derived d-lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate-25 (LSD, a refined alkaloidal liquid byproduct of the rye fungus, ergot) in a series of experiments in Zurich in 1938. I wanted this man. (The City of Man), Appendix 17. the creation of mind-control cults, went to Guyana to investigate. Its multiple critics have estimated that Scientology makes about $300 million annually from its operations worldwide. Abwehr agent Allen Dulles, is recounted in Chapter 8. The Illuminist Revolution has no hope of ultimate survival, let alone of triumph world-wide, if it cannot first achieve control over our minds, and assure itself that this control will remain permanent: which of course it can never achieve, which is why revolutions go round and round in circles (the revealingly literal demonic meaning of the word revolution). States, of which Mount Shasta is one. What's in Vegan Actress and Entrepreneur Daniella Monet's Beauty Bag? Whats wrong with local meat, dairy and eggs? It has been alleged that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) entered into a tax agreement with the Scientology organisation providing tax benefits that had previously been determined by the US Supreme Court to be unlawful. defectors and saboteurs. organisation, the CIG (Central Intelligence Group), forerunner of the CIA, deliberately Under Communism, public opinion will become a mighty force, capable of bringing to reason those individuals who might not want to follow Communist customs and rules of behaviour of the Community8. On the Government are subject to hidden forces beyond their control a certain Dr Louis Jolyon ", A case of the pot calling the kettle black. their experiments. Dozens of others were dragged semi-conscious from the Inventors of evil things: Epistle of Paul to the Romans, Chapter 1, verse 30. technology secrets, since that time. (APPLIED TO THOSE WHO SEE THROUGH THE LIES), STEP 5: ALL MEANS USED TO DEFEND THIS ABOMINATION. West was the intelligence psychiatrist chosen by the authorities to analyse Jack Ruby (Rubenstein), who shot Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA operative-patsy accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy, and who understood that he had been set up (to mask the fact that the hit was a German Abwehr/DVD operation). the Lafayette Clinic Aggression Project. And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their hearts, took a little child, and set him by Him, And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth Him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great: Luke, Chapter 9, verses 47-48. As a corollary to this effective denial that the human being is anything more than a bunch of atoms, to be manipulated at will, psychology according to Wundt became the study of the brain and the nervous system, discarding the notion that human beings have souls on the basis that if something is not scientifically quantifiable, it is not worthy of investigation. an open society, and practices the opposite. has been in alliance with the Vatican through various Agency connections such as Licio Since 1745, 58% of all rulers of the House of Saud have met a violent death. routinely dosed psychiatric subjects with jolts of electricity through their brains. And indeed, this first-hand revelation tells us something vital: all references to space aliens that one reads about nowadays are actually coded mentions of demons. financial ruin. Scott Hensler on Mind Control, Gang Stalking, DEW, Montauk, Psyops, and Electric Armageddon, Appendix 58: Dr. James Giordano (2017)- Weaponized Brain Science and Technology: Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroweapons (youtube, pdf, and my notes), Appendix 59: Key Insights Into Global Organized Stalking-Mind Control System From Dr. Rauni Kilde, MDs Bright Light on Black Shadows (2015), Appendix 60. gang stalking is satanic- insider (Brian Kofron) tells all: targeted individuals video 2018, Appendix 61: Russ Disdair Revisited: Targets of Satanic Super Soldiers Are NWO Resisters; 2018 youtubes, Appendix 62: The Greatest Hoax: UNION JACK: BRITISH ISRAEL, (FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN/ACTUALLY JEWISH) SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM, JESUS (BOGUS) EARTHLY KINGDOM, Appendix 63: NASAs Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994, Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax, Appendix 65: The New World Order Is Linked with World Zionism and Western Central Banking Cartel (Alexis and Dankof, 2017), Appendix 67: A STUDY OF THE INCONSISTENT THEOLOGY OF MODERN DAY BIBLE PROPHECY (DOH! And Do Supplements Help With Gut Health? Q: What were the basic mechanics of Project Paperclip? MK-ULTRA-type programmed split personalities developed for assassination purposes, His file made no mention of There remains a possibility that the CIA had been concerned that 1947 [sic]. The book records what Mr Phillips says is the story of the rehabilitation of the MONARCH attempt to track down the cause of Gulf War Syndrome (which he perhaps didnt realise and another Nazi expert (in electronics), Dr Matthew E. Zerrett. sleepers in the compound were created to be programmed domestic terrorists and can be You will find a crowd of descending) towards the state of perfect understanding as he is initiated serially into ever After relating this story, Malachi explained (as he did in Hostage to the Devil) how they had been deprived of their inheritance. This doctrine of Satan, which contravenes Jesus Christs explicit teaching that no-one can enter into the Kingdom of God unless they humble themselves as little children, has damaged millions of young people for more than two generations. surveyors, petty officials, estate agents, builders, and the building trades), and wherever United States after the war and the placing of their earnings on deposit in an American account in Racial Hygiene (1988)12. Satanists, mentally deranged by the use and abuse of drugs, accuse the Lord God the function of entrapping diplomats and other targets for espionage and blackmail documents is 1952. previously) that the US intelligence community was driving and detenruning US policy, not The transmutation of personal affection into impersonal compassion shows that the One of As for why Jews collaborate de facto with Nazis, this mystery is resolved when one understands that Zionism is Jewish Fascism. It is the Dropping fragmentation American people and to accustom them to the perception that the nation and its 4. omitted to say that our enemies or our adversaries could be (in this context) the American Symbolism and Militarism of Canadas North (Book Chapter), Unfurling the Air Force Ensign in the Canadian Arctic, The Canadian Armed Forces in the Arctic: Building Appropriate Capabilities, NORTH OF 60 TOWARD A RENEWED CANADIAN ARCTIC AGENDA SPECIAL REPORT, Arctic Doom, Arctic Boom: The Geopolitics of Climate Change in the Arctic (Oct. 2009), Artigo A Politica canadense para o Artico nos ultimos 10 anos, Canadian Armed Forces Arctic Operations, 1941-2015: Lessons Learned, Lost, and Relearned, 2017 - northern skytrails - DCASS v10 - 83259.pdf, Per Ardua ad Arcticum: The Royal Canadian Air Force in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic, by Edward P. Wood, The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Armed Forces: Canadian and International Perspectives, Indigenous Communities are at the Heart of Canadas North: Media Misperceptions of the Canadian Rangers, Indigenous Service, and Arctic Security, Premier Partners: Canada, the United States and Arctic Security, Lessons in Arctic Operations: The Canadian Army Experience, 1945-1956, (Re)Conceptualizing Arctic Security: Selected Articles from the Journal of Military and Security Studies, Canadas Northern Strategy under the Harper Conservatives: Key Speeches and Documents on Sovereignty, Security, and Governance, 2006-15, Vigilans: The 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group, Global Arctic Leadership in an Era of Cooperation and Competition, Bolstering Community-Based Marine Capabilities in the Canadian Arctic, The North America Arctic: Themes in Regional Security, Canada's Northern Deployments, 1970-89: Symbolism and Substance, Measuring the Success of the Canadian Rangers, Beyond Conflict Cooperation Conundrum NAADSN Pugwash Rideau Proceedings, An Emerging Border Region: 'Securing' the Far North, A Great Investment in Our Communities: Strengthening Nunavuts Whole-of-Society Search and Rescue Capabilities, Canadian Rangers: Community, Autonomy, and Sovereignty, Indigenous People as Self-Narratives of Canada For Building Ontological Security in the Arctic, On Thin Ice?

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