science and nonduality conference 2022


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BOOKLET Provides Irrefutable Evidence: A Serious Look at Richard Fosters School of Contemplative Prayer, BOOKLET: IF it is of GodAnswering the questions of IF:Gathering. I would like to thank you for this incredible opportunity. 2022 The next Conference. I am forever changed and will carry this information into my work as a nurse, mom and coach! Please click here for more information on our membership options. Kudos! The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. Acts 4:12, HOME Pensacola Christian College Cancels Kings Singers Concert Over [Homosexual] Lifestyle' Sounds of SAND on Apple Podcasts If you would like to get our latest psychology lectures sent to your inbox, you can sign up for the early access list at, Pocketsized psychology: Cognitive psychology in the classroom, Pocketsized psychology: Developmental psychology in the classroom, Decoding the Mind: Psychology Wisdom Course, Importance of Child Psychology and Intervention Strategy. A future where Black people are in control of their own destinies. The book, published by Mountain Stream Press, is now available through Lighthouse Trails. She earned Western certification as a Trauma Specialist and is a descendant of a long line of traditional healers from Bnin, West Africa. But if you look closely, there are indications in the classical/quantum duality of an underlying nonduality, and important applications. You can learn more about their work by visiting their website, and apply to submit an essay on their platform by clicking here. Use code GGSC for a 10% discount on registration! Without being aware of it, weve all inherited an insidious belief about the nature of reality. I really enjoyed my time at this conference. Peter Russell studied theoretical physics, experimental psychology, and computer science at the University of Cambridge. / / Aware: Glimpses of Consciousness, In our daily lives, the body is seldom tasted as it is. He is the author of the book, Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds, which outlines his methodology called the Collective Trauma Integration Process as a safe framework for guiding groups through collective and My life story, so similar to those who courageously shared theirs in the film, was awe inspiring! If you have any further questions, please email for more information. The group holds a space to exchange ideas, share experiences and offer encouragement around the topic of trauma healing. Speaker extras: articles, book chapters, meditations & embodiment practices. All . Save Pocketsized psychology: Developmental psychology in the classroom to your collection. As a person who has lived with PTSD his entire life of 68 years, this is one of the most powerful pieces I have experienced. The Emergent Universe is the theme of the Science and Nonduality Conference this year. Elderly gentlemen in neatly clipped beards interpret the symbolism of Vedantic gods and exchange stories about horrific diseases they barely survived in India; young men trade harrowing tales of ayahuasca and someone asks me, Do you remember the name of that woman hanging with R.U. Because you as watcher can feel the people - both interviewer and interviewed. In fact, since the contemplative prayer movement has come into full swing, more and more churches are observing Lent. He then went to India, to study meditation and Eastern philosophy, and on his return conducted research on the psychology of meditation. TWU Members receive all recordings and CPD certification free of charge. Join the movement toward a trauma-informed society. He hosts virtual workshops and spiritual retreats all over the world as a leader in his academic field, with a global following for his work, particularly in the US. Your contribution will help us bring the movie and resources to many communities in need across the globe. Log In. Science and Nonduality Conference | Facebook Every defeat is just an angel, tugging at your sleeve, telling you that you dont have to keep banging your head against the wall. Historical trauma is trauma so deeply rooted in the subconscious we may not even know it is there. SAND The process of perception is in fact one of creation. Even in my young self, I felt exactly what he was saying but never had the words, language for expressing what I felt. Hard Lessons in Discernment Although they had been many online congresses which were also dealing with the topic of Trauma, the way you and Gabor Mate present this deep issue, is outstanding. RESOURCES There were more than 600 other people at the conference, however; there were dozens of talks and workshops; there was the experiential room, for closer engagement with yoga, healing exercises, and people like the American Sufi Sheikh Kabir Helminski, who offered a workshop on Rumi; Amit Goswami discussed scientific evidence for God; Daniel Pinchbeck ran a workshop on psycho-technic civilization; James Tomarelli, a representative of John Bennetts school, offered an experience of the Gurdjieff Movements. Physicist Daniel Sheehan tells us about Casimir Force as electromagnetic zero point fluctuation which can shift equilibria and alter activation energies, transition states, and reaction rates. Indeed, clear reasoning and the evidence at hand indicate that metaphysical idealism or nondualismthe notion that nature is essentially mentalis the best explanatory model we currently have. Save Golf Sports Psychology. Where does this leave science, and the objective world? The people's stories touched my heart deeply. For many meditators, reclaiming an awareness of feelings is a long and difficult process. Share Psychology Honours Info Session with your friends. But is it true? explore psychedelics and their therapeutic uses in two entertaining and informative talks from SAND 18 and 19. The mission of Science and Nonduality (SAND) is to forge a new paradigm in spirituality, one that is not dictated by religious dogma, but that is rather based on timeless wisdom traditions of the . There is no inherent value in the incredibly complex patterns of light that fall onto our eyes, and yet we see coherent forms and motions that enable us to survive. Youll learn how these insights can improve your own quality of life, and also how to help others do the same. Share Pocketsized psychology: Cognitive psychology in the classroom with your friends. Science and Nonduality Conference, 2012, The Netherlands June 12, 2012 | For the Spiritual Seeker What to say? When the men I work with see it, they all have said how held and understood they felt. It is organized well according to sessions. This was the first conference on science and nonduality, and likely a learning experience for the organizers. The booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. embodying anti-racist practice and cultural building a way of being in the world, An award-winning documentary: As a rising star in the field of abstract mathematics, Michael discovered that he could see beauty and patterns where others could not. TWU Members receive all recordings and CPD certification free of charge. His book on addiction received the Hubert Evans Prize for literary non-fiction. Below [Read more] Congratulations on this so needed and amazing film! Science And Nonduality Conference Company Jobs and Salaries. Its like the mind wants to come to rest on one of the opposites. Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce Warren B. Smiths new book, Evangullible. Peters books include Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditioned Awareness (Sounds True, 2007), The Ontology of the Middle Way (Kluwer, 1990), Reasoning into Reality (Wisdom Publications, 1994), Essential Wisdom Teachings (with Penny Fenner, Nicolas-Hays, 2001), The Edge of Certainty: Paradoxes on the Buddhist Path (Nicolas-Hays, 2002), Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy (Editor, Omega Books, 2003). Science and Nonduality Conference - YouTube It's at the same time compelling and confronting, gentle and soul-shattering. You are kind of preventing yourself from seeing whats immediate and now because youre expecting it to be something spectacular., Nonduality and science converge fairly comfortably in some conferees, especially Stuart Hameroff. In this beautiful conversation, two impassioned trauma specialists and authors, Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and Dr. Gabor Mat, shared personal experiences and professional challenges working with the burgeoning field of trauma healing across generations. Young evangelicals may be Satans greatest target right now. Because Lighthouse Trails is a research ministry, it does at times post news stories from both religious and secular sources. I asked Dr. Hameroff if he feels quantum theory was becoming a general tar brush for modern spiritual models, only leaving things muddier in the end. Essentia Foundation hopes to help close this communication gap. Gabor is also co-developer of a therapeutic approach, Compassionate Inquiry, now studied by hundreds of therapists, physicians, counselors, and others internationally. Further, all presentations and posters were very fruitful for the researchers and students of nursing science and practice. For the interviews-the movie-I would like to express my deepest gratitude. LTRP Note: The following is posted for research and informational purposes. Over the last decade, he has facilitated dialogue with thousands of people around healing the collective traumas of racism, oppression, colonialism, genocides in the U.S., Israel, Germany, Spain, and Argentina. The film was one of the most powerful, enlightening, and healing I've ever seen. Neti Neti being a Hindu expression: Not this, not this. However the impact the film and the 5-6 talks I managed to find time for have made a massive impact on me and I'm so grateful particularly for my eyes being widened to how physical the effects of Trauma can be and how it links into the environmental crisis. He notes lifes dualistic Cartesian theater and proposes that the lag between perception and cognition is at the root of the appearance of dualistic separation. Thank you for your help with our screening of Wisdom of Trauma. After you register on Eventbrite, you will receive an email with a unique link and instructions to join the video conference. Benazzo introduces Dr. Stuart Hameroff, whose talk is titled Brahman and Atman are alive and well in quantum spacetime geometry. I LOVE this documentary, so artfully done, kudos! Science and Nonduality Conference - Home - Facebook We are witnessing this very thing today. Since the early 2000s, he has been leading large-scale events and courses that focus on the healing and integration of trauma, with a special focus on the shared history of Israelis and Germans. Anyone who claims to know is believing their story about what is true.There is only Mind. Monica Gagliano is a research associate professor in evolutionary ecology and former fellow of the Australian Research Council. The mission of Science and Nonduality (SAND) is to forge a new paradigm in spirituality, one that is not dictated by religious dogma, but rather is based on timeless wisdom traditions of the. If you need a timezone converter, please click here. His next book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture is due out on September 13, 2022. Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom. The Nursing Conference 2023 is a leading forum for nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwives, clinical . In conversation with Daniel Pinchbeck: How Soon is Now? An assumption now so basic to our common sense that its taken for granted. If you have any further questions, please email for more information. Use code GGSC for a 10% discount! There are many big questions to be curious about, and one of the most fascinating is this: What makes, Promoting his new book 'The Myth of Normal' on the Tim Ferris Show. A mental health practitioner; psychotherapist, counsellor or coach, attending for continuing professional development, A psychology student seeking to broaden your knowledge in different areas of the subject, Considering a transition into a career in psychology, but not sure exactly what route to take yet. The post Hard Lessons in Discernment appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Get on our mailing list for the latest news, articles, videos, webinars, events and more. letting in and letting be leads to a much easier approach than the conventional trying to let go we usually default to, Touching into listening, embodiment, the shadow, and devotion with teacher and author Ellen Emmet. If you would like to get our latest psychology lectures sent to your inbox, you can sign up for the early access list at, Pocketsized psychology: Cognitive psychology in the classroom, Pocketsized psychology: Developmental psychology in the classroom, Decoding the Mind: Psychology Wisdom Course, Importance of Child Psychology and Intervention Strategy. Dualities are usually seen in terms of opposites: Mind/Matter, Self/Other, Conscious/Unconscious, Illusion/Reality, Quantum/Classical, Wave/Particle, Spiritual/Material, Beginning/End, Male/Female, Living/Dead and Good/Evil. One that goes so deep that most go through an entire lifetime without questioning it. USG-United Scientific Group, A non-profit organization, is glad to announce its, 6th International Conference on Nursing Science & Practice (Nursing Science-2023) scheduled for April 12-15, 2023, in San Francisco, CA. BOOKLETS The post Pensacola Christian College Cancels Kings Singers Concert Over [Homosexual] Lifestyle' appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Still, the conference sometimes seemed a bit identified with Nisargadatta, especially as extolled by Dr. Stephen Wolinsky, founder of the Quantum Psychology Instituteand to a lesser degree, the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh and the Dalai Lama. He has been teaching workshops and presenting trainings for Harvard Medical School since 2019. We have translated and subtitled the film in the following languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Croatian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. The whole is not only greater than the sum of its parts, it is fundamentally different. Great film. The next Conference. The next Conference. The scientist Sir Roger Penrose suggested in his 1989 book The Emperors New Mind that Platonic values including mathematical truth, ethical values and beauty are embedded in the fine structure of the universe, specifically in fundamental spacetime geometry at the inifinitesimally tiny Planck scale. A leading thinker on consciousness and contemporary spirituality, he coined the term "global brain" with his 1980s bestseller of the same name in which he predicted the Internet and the impact it would have on humanity. Explore the fascinating synergies between ancient nondual wisdom and modern psychology. As an introduction, we might say that nonduality is the philosophical, spiritual, and scientific understanding of non-separation and fundamental oneness. The conference encompasses the solid science of University of Helsinki scientists Bergstrom and Ikonenholding forth on nonduality of mind and matter based on empirical findingsand the perhaps less plausible claims of another lecturer extolling a biodynamic craniosacral therapy in which cerebral fluid is the carrier of liquid light. HMC-Womens Wellness and Research Center, Qatar. This group is for people interested in the film The Wisdom of Trauma, based on the work of Gabor Mat. You must have heard this so much still, Gabor has made his suffering, on his way, into becoming whole. By David Dombrowski Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of [Read more] Returning to Wholeness: A Guide to Understanding and Integrating Trauma, . The founder of Timeless Wisdom and the pioneer of a number of programs and courses. Save Importance of Child Psychology and Intervention Strategy to your collection. Share Importance of Child Psychology and Intervention Strategy with your friends. In this short video neuroscientist Chris Fields explains the scientific concept of. Isnt it time to call them out and hold them responsible for what is happening to young Christians and to the face of Christianity? Siriusthat woman who used to get high on tarantula venom?. At Science and Nonduality, preeminent scientists, philosophers, mystics and artists gather to explore and advance the new paradigm emerging in spirituality. Lama Rod Owens is interviewed by David Montgomery for The Washington Post on Love and Rage, spiritual activism, Buddhism and white supremacy. The post Fighting Fear in a Fearful Day appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. You may have raised your children in a biblically sound home, but now they are being devoured by wolves thanks to leaders we have trusted for way too long. Nonduality & The Science of Consciousness - Peter Russell. Peter is qualified with a PhD in the philosophical psychology of the Madhyamika school of Mahayana Buddhism and has developed a range of courses about nondual awareness. 705 were here. He is a regular presenter at the Science and Nonduality Conference. Without being aware of it, weve all inherited an insidious belief about the nature of reality. This is known in specialist communities, but hasnt yet been openly communicated, in an accessible manner, to the culture at large. Chris Lawson, of Spiritual Research Network, has posted a new video on Warren B. Smiths YouTube channel. Science and Nonduality Conference, 2012, The Netherlands A physician with a shaven head, Pharoahic beard and a Hawaiian shirt, Hameroff represents the University of Arizonas Center for Consciousness Studies. Science And Nonduality (SAND) is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience. Science and spirituality; contrasts and convergences. To do this, we organise 'lecture days', where you get a full day of talks from leading psychologists, authors and university professors. From Emergence Magazine: Set amid pine forests and mountain peaks, three ancient Chinese poems, sung and translated by Red Pine, meditate on the nature of Taoism and Zen Buddhism. Save Pocketsized psychology: Cognitive psychology in the classroom to your collection. Many argue this sense of separation is the root cause of many of the crises facing our world today whether its environmental degradation, factory farming, a pervasive sense of disconnection, nihilism and apathy in our culture, or the growing mental health crisis. Film Premiere and Q&A The Story of Everything: An Oral Narrative, Part I. Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe: Manifesting A Natural Economy, Superpower: Ignite Your Intuitive Intelligence, Straight Talk Live Beyond the Numbers: Corporations, Climate, and Compassion, GEN Ecovillage Summit Living Solutions for a Regenerative World, Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe, An Online Evening with Environmentalist Charles Eisenstein, Climate: A New Story A Talk with Author Charles Eisenstein, Serving A More Beautiful World & Death Faire, Institute of Noetic Sciences 2019 International Conference, Restoring Humanity: Exploring Our Connections to Earth & Each Other, Spirituality in the 21st Century: The Grace of Decomposition (Pre-SP21C Retreat), Bayard & John Cobb Peace Lecture: Rebuilding a Peace Narrative, Spirituality in the 21st Century: Living in the Mangle, Envisioning a Sacred Blockchain: Toward Shared Values and Distributed Ownership, Charles Eisenstein: Flipping the Script on Climate Change, Flipping the Script on Climate Change: Talk and Book Launch Gathering, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible: Esalen (March 2019), First Annual Earth Love Festival Water is Life: A Celebration of the Susquehanna, Slow Living Summit: The Future of Food Entrepreneurship, Space Between Stories Esalen (November 2018), Esalen: Space Between Stories (March 2018). My most sincere gratitude for making it possible to host a screening in the Crcel Distrital de Mujeres in Bogot (Colombia), it was a very nurturing session we had with the Mental Health Team. Some circles quantum is a buzzword, and thats about it. This is no one appearing as someoneIt cant be known! His psychological essays have appeared in journals such as the Journal of Contemplative Psychotherapy, Revision, Journal of the International Association for Spiritual Psychiatry, Psychologia (Tokyo), and 3e millnaire. Something to Think About - Richard Rohr, the New Age, and Young United Scientific Group A non-profit organization, 8105, Suite 112, Rasor Blvd Plano, TX 75024, USA. Somehow the linkage of Science and Nonduality seemed a way. The post Announcing New Book Release by Warren B. Smith: EVANGULLIBLE appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Wow, I just watched the film and am so moved! SAND is a journey, an exploration on the nature of awareness. Im a Junior at UC Santa Cruz, and I just declared a major in psychology. Bernardo's most recent book is Science Ideated: The fall of matter and the contours of the next mainstream scientific worldview. Truly. New Booklet: How to Strengthen the Faith of Our Children & Grandchildren With 5-Minute Conversations Other books include The Awakening Earth, Waking Up in Time, From Science to God, and his most recent, Letting Go of Nothing. Fighting Fear in a Fearful Day Other books include The Awakening Earth, Waking Up in Time, From Science to God, and his most recent, Letting Go of Nothing. to your collection. It validates so much of what has happened in my (so far) 73 years finally, people are talking about this!". More on his books and programs can be found here. A member of the general public attending for the sheer joy of learning and exploring your curiosity. The Emergent Universe - Science and Nonduality Conference | Facebook I had a great time and gained networks with other experts. Science and Nonduality (SAND) is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience. Every scale, every level of abstraction brings its own universe of phenomena, complexity, questions, hypotheses, exploration and experimentation. Peter Russell studied theoretical physics, experimental psychology, and computer science at the University of Cambridge. Tom McFarlane is a teacher and board member at the Center for Sacred Sciences, a non-profit spiritual organization whose mission is to support spiritual practitioners following the teachings of the mystics of the worlds major religious traditions and to help foster the creation of a new worldview in which spiritual and scientific truths can be seen as complementary views of the same underlying reality. Our starting point is the statement we are all one, and this is meant not in some abstract sense but at the deepest level of existence. But what is Emergence? Share School Psychology in WA - Live Chat with your friends. Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines.

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science and nonduality conference 2022

science and nonduality conference 2022

science and nonduality conference 2022

science and nonduality conference 2022