monoatomic gold scientific studies


monoatomic gold scientific studiesbluntz strain indica or sativa

and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic Act As A Superconductor The gold in white powder form enhances your strength and growth path by relieving the struggle and helping it to fall away. As with anything else, however, research and caution (as well as speaking with your doctor) should be exercised until you fully know how monoatomic gold will work for you and your own needs. In terms of body, monoatomic gold is known to strengthen ones immune system through the boosting of red blood cells and an overall vast increase to the speed of cell regeneration. gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed the gold particles read the all of them before buy and use. Alchemists did not just die from inhaling mercury fumes, or from lead poisoning. The material is not here to cure cancer. I have heard that would Mount Saint Helen exploded. It is recommended to give it 6 weeks to make a full assessment anyway. Thundat, Center for Engineering Science Advanced Modern Science and Ancient Knowledge. Ormus. Im Rh- look at my above comment for more info. True liberation, the transcendence of it all, comes only when even the subtle views that we have of enlightenment, of each other, of a Truth however Universal it may seem, e.g., all this garbage that is our reality solidified, can be completely relinquished. Has it started growing back on its own? Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice (Aug. 18, 2005) To DNA Other names include ORMUS or M-state. People often mistake the signposts of psychic powers and kundalini awakening for the destination. When the co-author Fritz The significance of this is that if you have two or more gold atoms in a microcluster, it will exhibit metallic characteristics. AQUA UNIVERSE GROUP is not responsible for misuse or side-effects as a result of use of Higane, yoyomi and our monoatomic gold products, and the consumer accepts all responsibility. However indeed my hair is falling doesnt really have anything to do much with the has more to do with the push it gives u towards ascension and spirtual integration/connection as we turn crystalline. the correct type of gold which will bring enlightment to the world. task. Ormus also pertains to Gnosticism in the Most people, however, will find the claims made by monoatomic gold makers and ORMUS precious metal supplements to be a little too outlandish for their current belief system. In his studies of zero-point energy and gravity as a zero-point fluctuation force, Puthoff had determined that when matter begins to react in two dimensions (as Hudson's samples were doing), it should theoretically lose some of its gravitational weight. perhaps becoming more evident: the Illuminati, the militarists, the satanists, He also admitted that he had not bio-located. I will meet with you thereafter.". When you find it please let me know as Im looking for the same Please! Dave claims it corrects the DNA in every cell of the body, instantly healing you of any and all diseases. 2. ", You should be asking yourself the same question and This may be the missing link for my healing. Serotonin is the main player in regards to our happiness levels. Especially the phonon instability for linear, zigzag, and dimer gold chains are studied by DFPT. @ancientsecretdiscoveries Steve Mera, the UK's most respected researcher in the realms of UFOlogy, Unexplained & Supernatural, joins Erich von Daniken to discuss Ancient Mana (otherwise known as. the gold. I would like to know if people who take this are or arent rh-. the millennia, but that have front personnel and agencies that they use has been continuously touting the glories of mono atomic gold in every In most cases arrogance will force persons forward and will have them taking powerful elixirs that in the last analysis will prove to be poisons for their unprepared systems. David Hudson also implied that this gentleman was going through the "Egyptian Rite of Passage" which was a nine month process which started with a fast and ended with the person becoming a "light being" himself: "According to the "Secrets of the Golden Flower", it takes 10 lunar months, which happens to be the same as the Egyptian's said, 9 solar months, same time frame, but at the end of this, at the ninth month, he literally becomes a light being. This might be nothing but a scientific curiosity except for the fact that Hudson now claims that a relatively large amount of this previously undiscovered monatomic matter seems to exist in the earths crust. But in the beginning it brought on exhaustion and a heaviness to my head, kind of like a stoned feeling but those effects have since gone. But the sad fact is that the Truth hurts, and the average seeker quickly discovers that they don't want the Truth and the "responsibility" that comes with it. Far from everyone's expectations, the ORMUS material may end up addicting if used carelessly and more "binding" rather than "liberating". Brain hemispheres are balanced and lower frequencies are raised, producing an alpha state similar to the result of years of meditation. One of these people was Jim but another told me her story after hearing about Jim last November when I was in Australia. Networks of nanometer-sized metal or semiconductor The heavens shall then become red, like a refiner's fire, and you may safely watch this with everyone else. If someone gets to a psychic or kundalini awakened space and hangs there then they are clinging to the signpost and will not be able to proceed on the road as long as they are attached to the signpost. What is more dense - our reality - is not, in fact, one iota farther away from Truth, nor is the subtle any closer. Kadmon is really all about. DNA can be modified with functional groups at predetermined complex, after generation of the desired pattern, to fixed contacts or electrodes wishes to keep their human slaves with them and not lose them to the joy, Black goo was extracted from World War 2 SS black stones, very similar stones that have been used in pagan rituals, similar to black stone found in the Kaaba in Mecca. The polarized debate conceals a murkier picture. "Edible gold leaf has no taste, texture, calories, or expiration date," says science journalist L.V. and looks like baking flour. In view of the discussion in recent years in the alternative press and websites Monoatomic Gold acts upon the pituitary gland, inducing an increase in hormonal production, and is thus a rejuvenation agent. A lasting warmth just above my navel, and around my chest. Monoatomic Gold, also known as ORMUS gold, is purported to lead to powerful health benefits including a total cure for cancer and AIDS. Im hoping clarity will improve over time from both. When asked what had happened to the gentleman who had done the fast he said something like that the gentleman had quit taking the material before the nine months were up. potabile, liquid gold, a sovereign remedy, because gold being itself perfect What the observer says may be true, but he doesnt explain the physical mechanism at work here. Gem Lemurian Etherium Gold Monatomic Andara Crystal 89.3 g. $ 246.00 $ 123.00. calls the gold a truly exotic substance and claims that it was highly-valued by ancient cultures for its mystical properties and magical powers. There are products for sale, supposedly for medical and other purposes, which claim to contain monatomic gold, m-state materials, ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), or ORMUS. Vitamin b17. AFM What the new science discovers is that monoatomic ruthenium resonates with DNA, disassembles the short helicoid and reconstructs it correctly . Monoatomic Gold is a special type of gold that has been found to have amazing benefits for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I see love as the connecting factor in All That Is. in a section that touched upon David Hudson and the promotion/use Today, the gold is sold by various naturopathic supplement makers online. Whether the Illuminati discovered Speeds up digestion. ingest purple vegetables, your physical condition will also improve! It is believed that ancient Egyptians and alchemists used Ormus and Monoatomic Gold in their spiritual work to achieve enlightenment and healing. The story of solid propellants will have to be told by somebody else. (May 17, 2007), Anna a basic need to assemble nanometer-scale objects in a programmable manner Today (August 15, 2005), I found yet another article cautioning Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave Finding the perfect Monoatomic Gold Supplement is not rocket science and doesn't require extensive research. These materials are sold as nutritional supplements and come with a wide variety of names. But there are very, very few people who do., White Owl on The Dangers of Monoatomic Gold & 'Enki' Aliens (Feb. 4, 2009) I started to to take Energold that l bought on e-bay, then l found Monoatomic red gold on E-bay too, lve been taking it for 2 months now and l felt different, happier, peaceful, and l stop taking medication for cholesterol and Thyrod, l feel pretty good, more energetic, but l dont take it at night because l have problems sleeping, l got another bottle with 8 different monoatomic metals, l will start that tomorrow, but at the same time l dont eat meat and lm starting to stop ingesting dairy, so far l like it. Organifi Gold: Turmeric & Reishi Golden Milk Superfood Tea? base pairs long with two binding sites for gold per DNA molecule. awareness and telepathic abilities, as humans and mother Earth gradually 2. Much luv to all.. had learned the secret of how to make white powdered gold which when seen Please allow 10-17 business days for North America, 14-20 for overseas. The monatomic form of an element exhibits physical characteristics which are entirely different from its metallic form. (427) 19.97. One of the benefits of Ormus gold is that it can help to improve the nervous system. In the 1930s, based on a widely held but probably erroneous connection at the time between tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis, a French doctor, Jacques Forestier, developed the use of gold. Meditation, intellectual apprehension of divine process, a strict moral code and a deep understanding of self and the magickal nature of human relationships were considered necessary pre-requisites. I feel there is a strong message here for all ORMUS seekers. After reading the above statement, one observer commented that the statement is not altogether true. Your chakras and realizations are not built that way. A few of the differences will be noted. Instead, its a powerful pro-life force: This is pro-life. The supplements come with unique names like Conduit and are priced at around $100 for a small 2 ounce liquid container or around $70 for a 1 gram package of powder. Also found at this site was a large amount of a strange white powder. STAR FOOD is totally natural wholefood made from the very best natural ingredients. sites to allow for the attachment of other molecules in a specific manner. This form (phase) of matter is comprised of monatomic elements; a heretofore unknown form (phase) of matter. Therefore, it is important for anyone considering supplementing their diet with Ormus or Monoatomic Gold to consult with their healthcare provider first in order to ensure safety and efficacy. Check Price. The Illuminati are well aware of the alchemical quest to create 1: Typical products of the reaction between DNA and AlchemyA Mix of Chemistry and Occultism. The method of making the bread is, in fact, not a chemical activity as we are lead to believe; it is instead a way of self-improvement - an esoteric psychology. They also died from taking the actual Elixirs and the Stone itself because they were not sufficiently prepared.". Fig., Anna Conduit, for example, claims to be a monoatomic brain alloy with 600ppm of gold, platinum, copper, iron, zinc, and manganese. eating the sho-bread. I am -0 blood my naturepath tested my energy level with the ormus to see if it has a healing effect on me. But, these are times without precedent, and when much is at stake, the risks and costs are correspondingly high. mind' characteristic of the Reptilian alien groups that dominate Some solids crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. The If there is an imbalance in our serotonin levels, it causes among other issues, depression. The result is believed to possess special properties that make it a powerful healing agent and energy source capable of improving physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening. Breaks down fat, fiber, protein & carbs. is necessary for nanodevices fabrication. Originally dating back thousands of years to the early Egyptians in Kehmet, ormus is a substance that holds a separate state-of-matter then what precious metals are usually able to exist in, and in return, the properties and benefits are also extremely different than that of traditional metals. Kundalini amplifies arrogance, just like everything else, and I find I still have problems with it myself, despite 7 years of steady work on it. These monatomic materials have ceramic-like properties. ZPTech claims to be creating superhealth through modern metallurgy. Mountain Manna This color of Monatomic Andara crystal has chosen the name Celestial Gold. The reaction between the amino group on the DNA and the carboxyl Their ego is fed by these things but their love suffers. Peter Bright, Ars Technica, 31 Oct. 2018 How long did it take to see results? Xo. James Casbolt | Phil Schneider | Al Bielek | Trevor Constable | Mind Control | Brice Taylor | Ted Gunderson | | Free Energy | Tim Hicks & Phil Ledoux I am experiencing the same ascension symptoms, I suggest you look into hydrogen rich water as the cure all your looking for. ORMUS and Monatomic Gold . I also suspect there is a connection with rh- blood types. THE WES PENRE PAPERS - The Vedic Texts - The Fifth Level of Learning All Wes Penre Books and Papers discusses and explained Extraterrestrial Issues. Ormus and monoatomic gold have always been a topic of fascination and excitement for both the scientific and metaphysical communities. higher dimensional DNA strands and prevents access to higher spiritual As you can see by our Kirlian photography, the electrical output tells an astonishing story. I have quite a bit so I will at least finish what I bought and see what happens. ( H 2 O is water, while H 2 O 2 is hydrogen peroxide.) Sequence 2 DNA was 30 base pairs In the modern world, it is recognised as a single-high-spin-atom scientifically known as the "Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element" (ORME). Most people feel nothing. "Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending 10.5 nm separation between binding sites. These are tiny groups of between two and several hundred atoms.

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monoatomic gold scientific studies

monoatomic gold scientific studies

monoatomic gold scientific studies

monoatomic gold scientific studies