lévitique 20 27


lévitique 20 27

This warning against witchcraft should properly follow Leviticus 20:6 (cf. "Commentary on Leviticus 20:27". https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/geb/leviticus-20.html. La Sainteté : La Bonne et la Mauvaise (Lévitique 21 et 22) 17. Leviticus 20:27 27 f ‘A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, shall surely be put to death; they shall stone them with stones. Capital punishment is of GOD, not of men; let it therefore be honored as the Divine precept which it surely is! Nombres. The earth is now filled with murder. Their blood shall be upon them.—That is, they have brought it upon themselves to be killed. A man also or a woman that hath a familiar spirit,.... Or the spirit of Python or divination, see Leviticus 19:31; such as the damsel had in Acts 16:16; a woman is here particularly mentioned, though before included in the above law; because, as Aben Ezra says, such sort of practices were more frequently committed by women; to which MaimonidesF12Moreh Nevochim, par. (27) A man also or woman.—Better, And a man or a woman. 27. "Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary". Chapitre 27 . Societies must either dispose of their murderers, or their murderers will dispose of that society. Joseph Benson's Commentary. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/tsk/leviticus-20.html. Levítico 20:6 ``En cuanto a la persona que vaya a los médium o a los espiritistas, para prostituirse en pos de ellos, también pondré mi rostro contra esa persona y la cortaré de entre su pueblo. See chap. It seems strange that this verse should appear here instead of being placed in Leviticus 20:6, and some critics affirm that it is displaced. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/acc/leviticus-20.html. Do such "do-gooders" among our statesmen fancy that they are better than God, or that they know better than God, how the savage criminals of mankind should be treated? Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. Lévitique 24. 27 –Vous n’arrondirez pas les coins de votre chevelure a, et vous ne taillerez pas les coins de votre barbe. Does anyone get the idea that perhaps God knew what He was talking about, after all? Ver. See the notes on Genesis 41:8; Exodus 7:11; (note), Exodus 7:22; (note), Exodus 7:25; (note); and Leviticus 19:31; (note). Lévitique 20:1-27 (Annotée Neuchâtel) -+ 1 Et l'Eternel parla à Moïse en disant : 2 Parle aux fils d'Israël : Quiconque d'entre les fils d'Israël ou d'entre les étrangers qui séjournent en Israël donnera de ses enfants à Moloch, sera puni de mort : le peuple du pays le lapidera. Copyright StatementJames Burton Coffman Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. Lévitique 25. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain.Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com. "Commentary on Leviticus 20:27". BibliographyBenson, Joseph. Comment Épeler « Saint » (Lévitique 19:1-37) 15. Leviticus 27:20 And if he will not redeem the field, or if he have sold the field to another man, it shall not be redeemed any more. Ses serviteurs lui dirent: Voici, à En-Dor il y a une femme qui évoque les morts.…. Lévitique 20:27 Si un homme ou une femme ont en eux l'esprit d'un mort ou un esprit de divination, ils seront punis de mort; on les lapidera: leur sang retombera sur eux. It does not touch the life after resurrection, and the condemned always have the opportunity to turn to God and to seek and to find the forgiveness of their sins in the eternal sense, if they so desire. "In California, a man raped a girl and murdered her escort, but a great crowd gathered at the governor's mansion and paraded at the penitentiary protesting the execution of the death penalty! 1832. As Paracelsus had one confined to the pummel of his sword, or else Erastus belies him. Oh! Lévitique 20:6Si quelqu'un s'adresse aux morts et aux esprits, pour se prostituer après eux, je tournerai ma face contre cet homme, je le retrancherai du milieu de son peuple. The sin of consulting practitioners of the occult arts is seen in their violation of the first commandment of the Decalogue. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/hcc/leviticus-20.html. Lévitique 27; La Bible. Dans l’église moderne, il a tendance à être la dernière partie de la Bible que tout le monde lit sérieusement… Pratiquement alors, pas en théorie, Lévitique est traité comme n’appartenant pas vraiment au canon des Ecritures.1 So, the same Scripture that says, "Do not kill" in regard to murder, also unequivocally orders the execution of condemned criminals. John Trapp Complete Commentary. "John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible". Leviticus 19:31), to prevent defilement by idolatrous abominations. It would appear to be a means of emphasis after all that had preceded it. 27 Si un homme ou une femme ont en eux l'esprit d'un mort ou un esprit de divination, ils seront punis de mort; on les lapidera : leur sang retombera sur eux. After all, it was primarily the religion of Canaan that fueled their passions and engrossed the nations thereof in the debaucheries of paganism. "Commentary on Leviticus 20:27". When unscrupulous gangsters and murderers overthrow a government and get in control, the first thing they always do is to invoke the firing squad, as Castro did in Cuba, and run it fourteen hours a day for years at a time! 1905. In our society, the officer's carrying the sword (the gun) has been reduced almost to vanity by the super leniency of soft judges and misguided "do-gooders" who are trying to help the criminal rather than to PROTECT the society which criminals threaten. The woman is here expressly added, both because this art seems to have been principally followed by women (Exodus 22:28; 1 Samuel 28:7; Acts 16:16), and because men would naturally be inclined to treat women more mercifully. Leviticus 20:27. BibliographyJamieson, Robert, D.D. Used by Permission. From the accounts we have of the abominations both of Egypt and Canaan, we may blush for human nature; for wherever it is without cultivation, and without the revelation of God, it is every thing that is vile in principle and detestable in practice. 27:20 father’s wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness; both of them shall surely be put to death. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. Leviticus 20:27 - Why is this verse at the end of the chapter? Lévitique 27 Les personnes et les biens voués à l’Eternel 1 L’Eternel s’adressa à Moïse en disant : 2 Parle aux Israélites, et dis-leur : Quand quelqu’un dédie une personne à l’Eternel par un vœu, il s’en acquittera d’après l’estimation suivante. "God instituted the death penalty. See note on Leviticus 19:31. Sure, states have imposed their own mild, silly, and unreasonable penalties instead, but with what result? 1828. 1909-1922. gather from hence, that, wherever it is used, it is to be understood of stoning; See Gill on Leviticus 20:9. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". 1983-1999. 10 # Ex. They should know that there are two different words in the Hebrew Bible which are rendered "kill," the same being [~ratsach], meaning "to commit murder," and the other [~harag], meaning "to slay," "to put to death" (legally). Lévitique 20:9Si un homme quelconque maudit son père ou sa mère, il sera puni de mort; il a maudit son père ou sa mère: son sang retombera sur lui. Many of the same issues from Chapters 18 and 19 are elaborated, with the emphasis on the penalty paid for the violation. Only 27 verses exist for Leviticus chapter 20 (chapter 27 is the last chapter). ; Fausset, A. R.; Brown, David. Lévitique 19 26 Vous ne mangerez rien avec le sang. Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves, # 23:27 Or and fast; similarly in verses 29 and 32 and present a food offering to the Lord. "The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge". Read verse in … 1871-8. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/jfu/leviticus-20.html. BibliographyEllicott, Charles John. Now viewing scripture range from the book of Leviticus chapter 20:25 through chapter 20:27... Leviticus Chapter 20 That both a familiar spirit.] Lis Lévitique 20:7-8, 26 en y cherchant comment le Seigneur résume ce que nous pouvons faire pour être saints. That both a familiar spirit.] BibliographyClarke, Adam. 20. "Commentary on Leviticus 20:27". L'Éternel parla à Moïse, et dit: 2 Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et tu leur diras: Lorsqu'on fera des voeux, s'il s'agit de personnes, elles seront à l'Éternel d'après ton estimation. "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". The girl's parents? From these accounts, for which we could easily find parallels in ancient Greece and Italy, we may see the absolute need of a Divine revelation, without which man, even in his best estate, differs little from the brute. "George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". Nor would any part of the habitable globe materially differ from Egypt and Canaan, had they not that rule of righteousness, the revealed Law of God, and had not life and immortality been brought to light by the Gospel among them. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/kdo/leviticus-20.html. 1919. The criminals, having been forewarned, would be their own murderers; the ministers of justice who condemned them to death were free from the responsibility of their death. Read verse in … All other rights reserved. What is so bad about the death penalty? It was a turning away from God to the "black arts" of human history which have never flourished in an enlightened nation. 27 Un homme ou une femme qui évoquent les esprits ou qui pratiquent la divination, doivent être mis à mort: on les lapidera … Of course, it deters crime, and prevents crime. Next Chapter > >> Commentary for Leviticus 20 . 11 The man who lies with his # Lev. [The Septuagint, enochi eisi, they are guilty.] Lévitique 23. Deutéronome. "Commentary on Leviticus 20:27". My soul, I charge it upon thee, while reading the dreadful effects of sin, in the blinded ignorance of other nations, who sacrifice even their offspring to Moloch, that thou learn to esteem thy mighty privileges. Lévitique 27 1 Et l’Éternel parla à Moïse, disant : 2 Parle aux fils d’Israël, et dis-leur : Si quelqu’un a mis à part quoi que ce soit par un voeu, les personnes seront à l’Éternel selon ton estimation. All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855. what everlasting praise do I owe to thee, Almighty GOD, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, in that thou hast both taught me the evil of sin, and the sure way of deliverance from it. La Bible : Levitique - Le livre de Levitique contient 27 Chapitres. 31. Unclean animals could be vowed into service, even though they could not be sacrificed. "Commentary on Leviticus 20:27". "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged". Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Many murderers, rapists, etc., are repeaters, and the death penalty would stop all repeaters from committing any more crimes at all. Hebrew ob, means also a bottle. "[13] Oh, but the death penalty does not deter crime?! 18:7, 8; Deut. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/pfc/leviticus-20.html. Leviticus 20:27. His oracles were in great request, as he was supposed to know the secrets of futurity. But because Israel was called to be the holy nation of Jehovah, every one, ether man or woman, in whom there was a heathenish spirit of soothsaying, was to be put to death, viz., stoned (cf. BibliographyHaydock, George Leo. Vous pouvez lire tous ici en Français, Anglais, et Créole Lévitique 19:31Ne vous tournez point vers ceux qui évoquent les esprits, ni vers les devins; ne les recherchez point, de peur de vous souiller avec eux. And so, sacrilegiously robbed God. 4:, p. 75). BibliographyWesley, John. Levitik 27 Vese 19 - Bib la en Kreyol Men kisa La Bib di nan Levitik 27, Vese 19: Kreyol: Levitik 27:19 "Si moun ki mete pòsyon tè a apa pou Seyè a ta vle achte tè a ankò, l'a peye pri yo te bay pou tè a plis ven pou san (20… BibliographyBullinger, Ethelbert William. Traduction du monde nouveau Aucune vidéo n'est disponible pour cette sélection. 27. BibliographyKeil, Carl Friedrich & Delitzsch, Franz. They shall be stoned with stones, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.' https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/wen/leviticus-20.html. "[12] The apostle Paul approved and endorsed capital punishment by declaring that, "He that beareth the sword, beareth it not in vain," (Romans 13:4), and also affirming his acceptance of it even for himself (in case it was deserved) (Acts 25:11). Verses 7 and 8 deal with national sanctification. She is a totally irrational lunatic committed for life. "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers". 3 Mose 20:27 German: Modernized Wenn ein Mann oder Weib ein Wahrsager oder Zeichendeuter sein wird, die sollen des Todes sterben, man soll sie steinigen. "Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament".

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