dalaï lama citation santé


dalaï lama citation santé

[3] The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso, who lives as a refugee in India. [189] The 8th Dalai Lama was approved by the Emperor of China to be exempted from the lot-drawing ceremony of using Chinese Golden Urn. [29] The 1st Dalai Lama soon became Abbot of the greatest one, Drepung, and developed a large popular power base in Ü. [16], The Dalai Lama is also known in Tibetan as the Rgyal-ba Rin-po-che ("Precious Conqueror")[15] or simply as the Rgyal-ba. The wiser course is to think of others when pursuing our own happiness.” – Dalai Lama, 94. Enregistrée depuis coloringbookzone.com. [35], Required to travel and teach without respite after taking full ordination in 1565, he still maintained extensive meditation practices in the hours before dawn and again at the end of the day. 228–230. Norbu & Turnbull 1968, pp. The Mongols in Amdo became absorbed and Tibetanised. “An open heart is an open mind.” – Dalai Lama, 4. Santé+ est un magazine de santé naturelle consacrée aux méthodes alternatives de traitement des maladies. (Norbu & Turnbull 1968)[b], According to Mullin, on the other hand, it is improbable that the Manchus would have murdered any of these four for being 'unmanageable' since it would have been in their best interests to have strong Dalai Lamas ruling in Lhasa, he argues, agreeing with Richardson that it was rather "the ambition and greed for power of Tibetans" that might have caused the Lamas' early deaths. Prezentul Dalai Lama, al XIV-lea, este Tenzin Gyatso. “I will not propose to you that my way is best. French Wikipedia has an article on: dalaï-lama. Spokesman for the Dalai Lama rejects the claim as baseless. [citation needed] He was a renowned scholar and composer of mystical poetry, who traveled widely to extend Gelugpa influence, and became abbot of the largest Gelugpa monastery, Drepung, which from this time on was closely associated with the reincarnation line which eventually would be known as that of the Dalai Lamas. [129] By the mid-1630s, thanks again to the efforts of Sonam Rabten,[123] the 5th Dalai Lama had found a powerful new patron in Güshi Khan of the Khoshut Mongols, a subgroup of the Dzungars, who had recently migrated to the Kokonor area from Dzungaria. Such a value add post of all the search results that I found on google. The people you love, the things you cherish, and what you’re willing to sacrifice make up who you are. It is always possible.” ― Dalai Lama, 53. Along with some of the Kokonor Mongol princes, rivals of Lhazang, in defiance of the situation in Lhasa the Tibetans of Kham duly recognised him as the Seventh Dalai Lama in 1712, retaining his birth-name of Kelzang Gyatso. Consequently, the Dalai Lama has alluded to the possibility of a referendum to determine the 15th Dalai Lama. [195], Nevertheless, Jamphel Gyatso was also said to possess all the signs of being the true incarnation of the Seventh. [35] The stage was set for the great Mongol King Altan Khan, hearing of his reputation, to invite the 3rd to Mongolia where he converted the King and his followers to Buddhism, as well as other Mongol princes and their followers covering a vast tract of central Asia. [66] This led to decades of military and political power struggles between Tsangpa dynasty forces and others across central Tibet. From the moment of birth every human being wants happiness and does not want suffering. your own Pins on Pinterest [110] At the second invitation, in 1577–78 Sonam Gyatso travelled 1,500 miles to Mongolia to see him. In brief, these include a mythology of 36 Indian personalities plus 10 early Tibetan kings and emperors, all said to be previous incarnations of Dromtönpa, and fourteen further Nepalese and Tibetan yogis and sages in between him and the 1st Dalai Lama. Then, the Panchen Lama, in Shigatse, negotiated the lifting of the ban, enabling the boy to be recognised as Lobsang Gyatso, the 5th Dalai Lama. It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it.” – Dalai Lama, 63. “Neither a space station nor an enlightened mind can be realized in a day.” – Dalai Lama, 51. Dalaï Lama 52 Citations. See also: dalai-lama, dalai lama, Dalai Lama, dalai láma, Dalaí Láma, and Dalaï Lama. ". [91] Gendun Gyatso was promoted to abbot of Drepung in 1517[85] and that year Ringpung forces were forced to withdraw from Lhasa. Contents. I am the the Founder of Addicted2Success.com and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. Citations du Dalaï Lama : "Aucun journaliste ne sait plus ce qu'est une bonne nouvelle." The life and deeds of the 13th Dalai Lama [in successfully upholding de facto Tibetan independence from China from 1912 to 1950] serve as the living proof of this argument, he points out. “. (more…). - le dalaï lama - (né le 5 mai 1935, Lhamo Dondrup est reconnu à l'âge de 5 ans comme étant la réincarnation du XIVe dalaï lama. Article from montrealgazette.com. They tried to bring him to his monastery many times but people would not see him. Citations De Moments Vécus Par Tous. “In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.” ― Dalai Lama, 61. [113], The name "Dalai Lama", by which the lineage later became known throughout the non-Tibetan world, was thus established and it was applied to the first two incarnations retrospectively. "Il n'importe pas qu'un être soit croyant il est important qu'il soit bon." [60] Famed for his Buddhist scholarship he was also referred to as Panchen Gendun Drup, 'Panchen' being an honorary title designating 'great scholar'. They eventually nominated one Pekar Dzinpa, a monk but also rumored to be Lhazang's son,[157] and Lhazang had him installed as the 'real' Sixth Dalai Lama, endorsed by the Panchen Lama and named Yeshe Gyatso in 1707. An Entrepreneurial Story To Inspire You. You are granted the jade certificate of confirmation of authority and jade seal of authority, which you enshrine in the Potala monastery to guard the gate of Buddhism forever. They can still play with that person the following day.” ― Dalai Lama, 33. [220][221], In 1856 a child was born in south central Tibet amidst all the usual extraordinary signs. [89], Gendun Gyatso continued to travel widely and teach while based at Tibet's largest monastery, Drepung and became known as 'Drepung Lama',[80] his fame and influence spreading all over Central Asia as the best students from hundreds of lesser monasteries in Asia were sent to Drepung for education.[85]. This caused Sonam Rabten who became the 5th Dalai Lama's changdzo or manager,[125] to seek more active Mongol patronage and military assistance for the Gelugpa while the Fifth was still a boy. “Through violence, you may ‘solve’ one problem, but you sow the seeds for another.” – Dalai Lama, 72. [31] The 2nd studied there before returning to Lhasa,[28] where he became Abbot of Drepung. Le Dalaï Lama porte quelque chose de vraiment similaire. The Fifth Dalai Lama began construction of the Potala Palace on this site in 1645,[248] carefully incorporating what was left of his predecessor's palace into its structure. [48], Tutored personally by the abbot he made rapid progress and from 1492 at 17 he was requested to teach all over Tsang, where thousands gathered to listen and give obeisance, including senior scholars and abbots. Et il est si inquiet pour l'avenir qu'il ne profite pas du présent; le résultat étant qu'il ne vit ni dans le présent ni dans le futur; il vit comme s'il ne mourrait jamais, puis mourait sans avoir vraiment vécu. He played a symbolic role in government, and, being profoundly revered by the Mongols, he exercised much influence with the Qing who now had now taken over Tibet's patronage and protection from them. Thank you once again, I love The Dalai Lama, my favorite Dalai Lama quote would have to be: “This is my simple religion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ― Dalai Lama, 97. [45] Tsongkhapa largely modelled his new, reformed Gelugpa school on the Kadampa tradition and refrained from starting a tulku system. After correction, it read: "The one who resides in the Western peaceful and virtuous paradise is unalterable Vajradhara, Ocen Lama, unifier of the doctrines of the Buddha for all beings under the sky". [210] Three years later in March 1815 the young Lungtok Gyatso caught a severe cold and, leaving the Potala Palace to preside over the New Year Monlam Prayer Festival he contracted pneumonia from which he soon died. [126] As a young man, being 22 years his junior, the Dalai Lama addressed him reverentially as "Zhalngo", meaning "the Presence". Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, all high monks must be approved by the government, "Relentless: The Dalai Lama's Heart of Steel", "At Lhasa, Tibetans still pray for Dalai Lama's return", "Introduction to The Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and Norbulingka, Tibet", "The Second Tsemonling, Ngawang Jampel Tsultrim Gyatso", "The Dalai Lama, President Obama and Pope Francis at Highest Levels of Popularity in U.S. and Five Largest European Countries", "Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. For security reasons he was moved to Derge monastery and eventually, in 1716, now also backed and sponsored by the Kangxi Emperor of China. The Best Coloring Books for Adults - Coloring Book Zone. If they feel angry with someone, they express it, and then it is finished. He promised them he would be incarnated next in Mongolia, as a Mongolian. What greater folly could there be than to spend this short time alone, unhappy or in conflict with our companions? We all have the power of thought – so what are you lacking? "Il n'importe pas qu'un être soit croyant il est important qu'il soit bon." [173][174], A new Tibetan government was established consisting of a Kashag or cabinet of Tibetan ministers headed by Kangchenas. Shambhala Publications. [55] He studied Buddhist philosophy extensively and in 1405, ordained by Narthang's abbot, he took the name of Gendun Drup. 19. Artikel von Gute Texte. Absolutely wrong. [158] This choice was in no way accepted by the Tibetan people, however, nor by Lhazang's princely Mongol rivals in Kokonor who resented his usurpation of the Khoshut Tibetan throne as well as his meddling in Tibetan affairs. The 13th [Dalai Lama] did not visit Lhamtso until he was 25 years old. [270][271] Since by tradition, the Panchen Lama must approve the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, that is another possible method of control. [148], The time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, who reigned from 1642 to 1682 and founded the government known as the Ganden Phodrang, was a period of rich cultural development. Chacun peut commander un mets différent, mais rester assis ensemble à la même table - Chacun peut commander un mets différent, mais rester assis ensemble à la même table - As proposed by Sonam Gyatso, Altan Khan sponsored the building of Thegchen Chonkhor Monastery at the site of Sonam Gyatso's open-air teachings given to the whole Mongol population. At 10 he led the Monlam Prayer Festival, giving daily discourses to the assembly of all Gelugpa monks. No one can help us, not even the Buddha. “A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals the secret of some hidden treasure.” ― Dalai Lama, 55. [184], According to Mullin, despite living through such violent times Kelzang Gyatso was perhaps 'the most spiritually learned and accomplished of any Dalai Lama', his written works comprising several hundred titles including 'some of Tibet's finest spiritual literary achievements'. There are conflicting reports about whether the Chinese 'Golden Urn' was utilised by drawing lots to choose him. On that surface visions appear to those who seek them in the right frame of mind. From Tibetan ཏཱ་ལའི་བླ་མ (tā la'i bla ma). Invited to become the Abbot he declined, already being Abbot of Drepung and Sera, but left his deputy there in his stead. [265], The government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) has claimed the power to approve the naming of "high" reincarnations in Tibet, based on a precedent set by the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing dynasty. [81], Gendun Gyatso's popularity in Ü-Tsang grew as he went on pilgrimage, travelling, teaching and studying from masters such as the adept Khedrup Norzang Gyatso in the Olklha mountains. Il ne dépend que de nous... Les adultes doivent montrer à leurs enfants comment dialoguer avec leurs camarades en cas de conflits. 2014 - Le désarmement extérieur passe par le désarmement intérieur. [141], In 1636 the Manchus proclaimed their dynasty as the Qing dynasty and by 1644 they had completed their conquest of China under the prince regent Dorgon. [223], According to Smith, however, during Trinley Gyatso's minority, the Regent was deposed in 1862 for abuse of authority and closeness with China, by an alliance of monks and officials called Gandre Drungche (Ganden and Drepung Monks Assembly); this body then ruled Tibet for ten years until dissolved, when a National Assembly of monks and officials called the Tsongdu was created and took over. Dalai Lama's Paradox of Our Age . From 1642 until 1705 and from 1750 to the 1950s, the Dalai Lamas or their regents headed the Tibetan government (or Ganden Phodrang) in Lhasa which governed all or most of the Tibetan Plateau with varying degrees of autonomy[9] under the Qing dynasty of China, in which Tibet had been under non-Tibetan suzerainty,[10] and a period of disputed "de facto independence" between 1913 and 1951. Intending to empower the common people he planned to institute political and economic reforms to share the nation's wealth more equitably. [100] Unlike his predecessors, he came from a noble family, connected with the Sakya and the Phagmo Drupa (Karma Kagyu affiliated) dynasties,[95] and it is to him that the effective conversion of Mongolia to Buddhism is due. [citation needed] This frustrated many would-be rulers who were not of this line. Neither social conditioning nor education nor ideology affects this. Sometimes it comes when we least expect it.” – Dalai Lama, 65. The people you love, the things you cherish, and what you’re willing to sacrifice make up who you are. [56], In 1415 Gendun Drup met Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelugpa school, and became his student; their meeting was of decisive historical and political significance as he was later to be known as the 1st Dalai Lama. According to Mullin, the 14th Dalai Lama has pointed to certain indications that Jamphel Gyatso might not have been the incarnation of the 7th Dalai Lama but of Jamyang Chojey, a disciple of Tsongkhapa and founder of Drepung monastery who was also reputed to be an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara. [120][138] Güshi Khan then retired to Kokonor with his armies[120] and [according to Smith] ruled Amdo himself directly thus creating a precedent for the later separation of Amdo from the rest of Tibet. They were properly preserved as the root to their ruling power. There is no need for temples; no need Since the time of Genghis Khan, only people who were of his royal lineage were allowed to rule Mongolia. – Dalaï-lama Autres citations du Dalaï-lama. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Feb 19, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Éva Patyi. Apr 18, 2019 - Dalaï Lama - 52 Citations #dalailama #lifequotes - Shakya Handicraft - #citations #Dalaï #dalailama #Handicraft #Lama #lifequotes #Shakya [46] Therefore, although Gendun Drup grew to be a very important Gelugpa lama, after he died in 1474 there was no question of any search being made to identify his incarnation. It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it.” – Dalai Lama, 63. After 16 years of study as a novice monk, in 1702 in his 20th year he rejected full ordination and gave up his monk's robes and monastic life, preferring the lifestyle of a layman. The Qing were aware the Dalai Lama had extraordinary influence with the Mongols and saw relations with the Dalai Lama as a means to facilitate submission of the Khalka Mongols, traditional patrons of the Karma Kagyu sect. [222] He died after just 11 months, no reason for his sudden and premature death being given in these accounts, Shakabpa and Mullin's histories both being based on untranslated Tibetan chronicles. your own Pins on Pinterest This may be either a claimed 'vision' or some 'indication' of the direction in which to search, and this was how Tenzin Gyatso was determined to be the next Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama wore something very similar. Thank you so much for this — it truly lifted my spirits and I will bookmark it for daily reference. Artikel von Gute Texte. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. 18. “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. In the concept of republic, ethnic minorities are like Tibetans, The Mongols, Manchus, and Xinjiang Uyghurs, we can live in harmony".[246]. [132], After Desi Sonam Rapten died in 1658, the following year the 5th Dalai Lama appointed his younger brother Depa Norbu (aka Nangso Norbu) as his successor. [163], In any case, the Kangxi Emperor took full advantage of having Kelzang Gyatso under Qing control at Kumbum after other Mongols from the Dzungar tribes led by Tsewang Rabtan who was related to his supposed ally Lhazang Khan, deceived and betrayed the latter by invading Tibet and capturing Lhasa in 1717. Until 1674, the Fifth Dalai Lama had mediated in Dzungar Mongol affairs whenever they required him to do so, and the Kangxi Emperor, who had succeeded the Shunzhi Emperor in 1661, would accept and confirm his decisions automatically. 2020 - Le vrai bonheur ne dépend d'aucun être, d'aucun objet extérieur. The respected Reting Rinpoche was recalled once again to act as Regent and requested to lead the search for the next incarnation, the twelfth. The 8th Dalai Lama was granted a jade seal of authority and jade sheets of confirmation of authority by the Emperor of China. [68], Although he was born in a cattle pen to be a simple goatherd, Gendun Drup rose to become one of the most celebrated and respected teachers in Tibet and Central Asia. Victory gives a heroic feeling that allows winners to appear at the top after all of the hours of hard work, dedication and discipline. “Happiness is not something ready made. Article de Ramdane Ramdane. Being afraid of prosecution by the Kangxi Emperor of China, Desi Sangye Gyatso explained with fear and trepidation the reason behind his action to the Emperor. The Tibetans were soon appealing to the Kangxi Emperor to rid them of the Dzungars. [135], Having thus defeated all the Gelugpa's rivals and resolved all regional and sectarian conflicts Güshi Khan became the undisputed patron of a unified Tibet and acted as a "Protector of the Gelug",[136] establishing the Khoshut Khanate which covered almost the entire Tibetan plateau, an area corresponding roughly to 'Greater Tibet' including Kham and Amdo, as claimed by exiled groups (see maps). “Given the scale of life in the cosmos, one human life is no more than a tiny blip. [258], If there is only one boy found, the High Lamas will invite Living Buddhas of the three great monasteries, together with secular clergy and monk officials, to 'confirm their findings' and then report to the Central Government through the Minister of Tibet. [273] He has given reference to a possible vote occurring in the future for all Tibetan Buddhists to decide whether they wish to recognize his rebirth. Since you enjoy such honor, you have to make efforts to promote self-cultivation, study and propagate Buddhism, also help me in promoting Buddhism and goodness of the previous generation of the Dalai Lama for the people, and also for the long life of our country"[194][193], The Dalai Lama, his later generations and the local government cherished both the jade seal of authority, and the jade sheets of authority. "[272], The 14th Dalai Lama said as early as 1969 that it was for the Tibetans to decide whether the institution of the Dalai Lama "should continue or not". Tibetan historian Nyima Gyaincain points out that the written wills from the fifth Dalai Lama before he died explicitly said his title and authority were from the Emperor of China, and he was subordinate of the Emperor of China These included provisions to curb excessive demands on peasants for provisions by the monasteries and tax evasion by the nobles, setting up an independent police force, the abolition of the death penalty, extension of secular education, and the provision of electricity throughout the city of Lhasa in the 1920s. “The way to change others’ minds is with affection, and not anger.” ― Dalai Lama, 57. [175], Having vanquished the Dzungars, the Qing army withdrew leaving the Seventh Dalai Lama as a political figurehead and only a Khalkha Mongol as the Qing amban or representative and a garrison in Lhasa. . Again, it's meaningless. Victory gives a heroic feeling that allows winners to appear at the top after all of the hours of hard work, dedication and discipline. [52] He rose to become Abbot of Drepung, the greatest Gelugpa monastery, outside Lhasa. [90] In 1498 the Ringpung army captured Lhasa and banned the Gelugpa annual New Year Monlam Prayer Festival[90] started by Tsongkhapa for world peace and prosperity. “Let us try to recognize the precious nature of each day.” – Dalai Lama, 38. “It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others.” ― Dalai Lama, 83. Therefore, it is important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness.” – Dalai Lama, 30. “World peace must develop from inner peace. “Although you may not always be able to avoid difficult situations,you can modify the extent to which you can suffer by how you choose to respond to the situation.” – Dalai Lama, 99. They could also have died from illnesses, possibly contracted from diseases to which they had no immunity, carried to Lhasa by the multitudes of pilgrims visiting from nearby countries for blessings. For the Kangxi Emperor however, the alliance between the Dzungar Mongols and the Tibetans was unsettling because he feared it had the potential to unite all the other Mongol tribes together against the Qing Empire, including those tribes who had already submitted. “Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquility…without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, disturbed, or unhappy because of circumstances.” ― Dalai Lama, 74. Therefore, it is important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness.” – Dalai Lama, 47. 2020 - Le vrai bonheur ne dépend d'aucun être, d'aucun objet extérieur. [231][232][233] The 14th Dalai Lama had become the joint most popular world leader by 2013, (tied with Barack Obama), according to a poll conducted by Harris Interactive of New York, which sampled public opinion in the US and six major European countries. “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. “Someone else’s action should not determine your response” is amazing to me…what a gift to have all of one hundred quotes at my fingertips. [28], First, Tsongkhapa established three great monasteries around Lhasa in the province of Ü before he died in 1419. Later, a group consisting of the three major servants of Dalai Lama, eminent officials,[who?] Its foundation rests on your experiences, beliefs, and core values. [38] The 4th was then born in Mongolia as the great grandson of Altan Khan, thus cementing strong ties between Central Asia, the Dalai Lamas, the Gelugpa and Tibet. [59] Tashilhunpo, 'Mountain of Blessings', became the fourth great Gelugpa monastery in Tibet, after Ganden, Drepung and Sera had all been founded in Tsongkhapa's time. [214] After 15 years of intensive studies and failing health he died, in 1837, at the age of 20 or 21. [156] At the same time, while this puppet 'Dalai Lama' had no political power, the Kangxi Emperor secured from Lhazang Khan in return for this support the promise of regular payments of tribute; this was the first time tribute had been paid to the Manchu by the Mongols in Tibet and the first overt acknowledgment of Qing supremacy over Mongol rule in Tibet. 12.04.2020 - gutetexte photo, gutetexte videos, gutetexte download. According to scholar Gene Smith, "the rebirth of the First Dalai Lama as the son of Grub chen Kun dga' rgyal mtshan resulted in the end of a hereditary line of Shangs pa Bka' brgyud pa lamas." [159], In 1708, in accordance with an indication given by the 6th Dalai Lama when quitting Lhasa a child called Kelzang Gyatso had been born at Lithang in eastern Tibet who was soon claimed by local Tibetans to be his incarnation. Since the Kangxi Emperor was not happy about Desi Sangye Gyatso's action of not reporting, the Emperor gave Lha-bzang Khan additional title and golden seal. The Dalai Lama’s quotes and sayings are spread throughout the world and are taken on board by many who wish to live a positive and fulfilled life.

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