convention collective def


convention collective def

U.S. Collective responsibility is the convention whereby individual members of the government are held accountable for the actions and decisions of government as a whole. The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol are the key legal documents that form the basis of our work. convention collective. convention, in U.S. politics, a gathering of delegates to nominate candidates for elective office and to formulate party policy. 'convention collective' également trouvé dans ces entrées : Anglais : collective agreement - collective bargaining agreement - collective labour agreement "convention collective de": examples and translations in context. How to use convention in a sentence. La convention collective : définition, fonctionnement, utilité La convention collective traite de tout ce qui concerne le droit du travail au sein d’un secteur professionnel précis qui s’applique à ses salariés. 1 [count]: a large meeting of people who come to a place for usually several days to talk about their shared work or other interests or to make decisions as a group. An agreement between states concerning finance, trade, or other matters considered less significant than those usually governed by a treaty. Comme la rupture conventionnelle individuelle, elle n'est assimilable ni à une démission, ni à un licenciement, et elle ne peut pas être imposée par l'une ou l'autre des parties concernées. 2 3 section xxxiv durÉe et validitÉ de la convention 201 annexes annexe « a » rÉgion de l’agglomÉration collective agreement synonyms, collective agreement pronunciation, collective agreement translation, English dictionary definition of collective agreement. Elle permet d’adapter le Code du travail aux situations particulières à chaque secteur d’activité du … The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. a large, formal meeting of people who work in the same industry or belong to the same organization or profession: a convention of shopping center developers. It is a specific word that represents a number of people or things. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. Certains syndiqués sont sans convention collective depuis plus de deux ans et demi. Premier Portail Juridique Tunisien, JurisiteTunisie c'est des textes en ligne, un annuaire des professionnels du droit, le référencement des textes législatifs tunisiens, le partage des successions et beaucoup d'autres outils English Translation of “convention collective” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Cette participation est seulement assurée si la convention collective de travailest acceptée. As a noun, it is a name. 750. They are held at the national, state, and local le Convention A method under the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System one uses to calculate the depreciation of an asset in the year it is purchased (or first used) and the year of the end of its useful life. Define collective agreement. 93 L.Ed.2d 757. Cult films are known for their dedicated, passionate fanbase, an elaborate subculture that engage in repeated viewings, quoting dialogue, and audience participation. The definition provided is “…a film that has acquired a cult following. → la convention collective de l'édition. We go to the weeklong annual teachers' convention every summer. Farlex Financial Dictionary. So, individual elements or members constitute the team and it got a name called collective nouns. Convention definition is - agreement, contract. Le texte intégral de la convention collective des salariés du particulier employeur peut être téléchargé gratuitement ici sous la forme d'un fichier PDF. The convention promotes collective bargaining for public employees, as well as other methods allowing public employees' representatives to participate in the determination of their conditions of employment. → la convention collective de l'hôtellerie de plein air. Le texte intégral de la convention collective de l'automobile peut être téléchargé en ligne ici sous la forme d'un fichier PDF de 150 pages. convention collective 2017 – 2021 intervenue entre l’acq et la ftq-construction le cpqmc (international), la csd construction, la csn-construction, et le sqc secteur industriel. Translation for 'convention collective' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. hold/host a convention … See also: conventions, convention collective, conventionné, prêt conventionné. Mise en place par les ordonnances Macron de septembre 2017 (ordonnance 1387), la rupture conventionnelle collective constitue un mode de rupture du contrat de travail reposant sur le commun accord entre l'employeur et le salarié. Collective punishment is a form of retaliation whereby a suspected perpetrator's family members, friends, acquaintances, sect, neighbors or entire ethnic group is targeted. 107 S.Ct. a representative party assembly to nominate candidates and adopt platforms and party rules. collective agreement (plural collective agreements) A contract specifying terms and conditions of employment between one or more labour unions and employers' associations legally binding for employers organized in these and the employees if they are unionized in them or their employment contract incorporates them by referral . → la convention collective de la publicité. Politics. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of … Our participation will only be guaranteed if the … The collective labor agreement for French metal industries ('Convention Collective de la Métallurgie') and company-level [...] agreements applying within the Group also provide for the payment to all Group employees of an indemnity on retirement proportional to the length of their employment with the Group. Robert L. CLARKE, Comptroller of the Currency, Petitioner, v. SECURITIES INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION. A collective noun is a noun that represents a group. an agreement, compact, or contract. Pour les vérificateurs, il y a d'autres compensations qui viennent compléter la convention collective . What does it cover? Learner's definition of CONVENTION. nf collective agreement. It is a constitutional convention that has existed since the 18th century and is considered a cornerstone of cabinet government. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. noun a meeting or formal assembly, as of representatives or delegates, for discussion of and action on particular matters of common concern. An assembly or meeting of representatives or members of legislative, political, or fraternal organizations. 479 U.S. 388. With 149 State parties to either or both, they define the term ‘refugee’ and outlines the rights of refugees, as well as the legal obligations of States to protect them. → la convention collective de la banque. Il s'agit d'une version à jour en 2020. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. Some union members have been without a collective agreement for more than two and a half years. The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance. convention collective, conventions, conventionné, conventionnel. So collective noun is the name for the collection of the group.

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