29. Published on September 11, 2020 New episodes of the 23rd season of the Pokémon animated series will premiere tomorrow exclusively on Netflix in the U.S. As the tournament ends, an Ultra Wormhole opens up, releasing a Guzzlord. When he learns Stoutland is ill, Ash takes it to the Pokémon Center. Can Ash prove his innocence? Ash and his friends commune with the Island Guardians, who brought Cosmog to him. Confiant, Sacha se dirige vers son arène pour y affronter son nouvel adversaire. Ash and his friends switch Pokémon for two days for a class assignment. Jessie, James et Miaouss de la Team Rocket cherchent à s'emparer des Pokémon puissants. It’s a battle day with the ninjas at Malie City's Gym. Students and Pokémon take a camping trip together. Team Rocket mistakes an Alolan Meowth for their Meowth. Some rivals bring out the best in each other, while others trigger the worst. In an unexpected twist, Tapu Koko enters the ring as Kukui's final Pokémon against Ash and Naganadel, sparking the ultimate Z-move battle. In hopes of evolving his Charjabug, Sophocles goes to Vast Poni Canyon, only to have an unexpected encounter with his rivals and enter into a battle. Ash and the rest of the class head to Akala for a practical class under her supervision. But here comes a bigger problem! Netflix respecte les principes de l'Alliance de la publicité numérique. While Ash and Lana search for them, they fall straight into Team Rocket! Vous pouvez en modifier les préférences. There can only be one winner! When Ash starts thinking about Lillie's brother Gladion during Pokémon bathtime, Cosmog teleports them to Gladion's location: a valley full of Pinsirs! Ash and his friends need to save Kyogre before it’s too late! Principal Oak and Mallow vs. Lana! Professor Oak and Delia arrive the night before the final match. When performer Ida and her Brionne visit, Lana asks to train with her. La recette du succès ! Everyone is training hard for the Alola Pokémon League and Sophocles has trouble mastering his Z-Move. When Team Rocket spy on Ash and Kiawe demonstrating their Z-moves, they're determined to find their own Z-crystals. While Ash, Pikachu and Solgaleo attempt to pin her down, Lillie confronts Lusamine in person. Jessie and James face off, still undercover and in agreement to perform half-heartedly. Family Visit Day is approaching at the Pokémon School. When it meets Lana, it develops a crush on her! Sacha et les autres tombent sur une ville uniquement accessible en bicyclette par un gigantesque pont mais n'ont pas assez d'argent pour louer des vélos. Upon becoming the kahuna of Poni Island, Hapu accepts Ash's challenge to the Grand Trial. A battle with Team Skull nearly makes Ash late for work experience day. Sacha participe avec Régis à des fouilles archéologiques sur des Pokémon disparus, dans l'espoir de pouvoir se mesurer à lui. Arrivé à Safrania, Sacha tente de vaincre Morgane, championne en titre de l'arène, dans l'espoir de remporter son quatrième badge. Sacha tente d'attraper un Pokémon sauvage, imprévisible et soupe au lait, capable de se mettre dans d'incroyables états de nerfs. Lorsque le bulbe de Bulbizarre s'illumine, une infirmière fait des examens afin de voir si le Pokémon est malade mais elle découvre qu'il se prépare simplement à évoluer. Lors d'une coupure de courant à Salville, Sacha et ses amis découvrent le Pokémon Magnéti et une foule de Pokémon faits de boues toxiques : les Tadmorv. Following the incident in the cave, Lillie regresses and can't touch Pokémon again. Nous ne sommes pas live pour le moment. La série télévisée Pokémon a été diffusé en premier lieu en 1997. Which Pokémon will he choose? À Azuria, trois championnes d'arène se trouvent dans l'incapacité de se mesurer à Sacha, quand une mystérieuse quatrième accepte de relever le défi. For their research projects, Ash and his classmates visit Poni Island, where Ash is accused of stealing Poni Radishes. Sacha, Ondine et Pierre acceptent d'aider un homme à découvrir pourquoi la rivière de sa ville s'est tarie en échange d'un repas. For the first class on Akala, Ash and his friends are paired with Stoutlands for a treasure hunt. Ash and his friends perform in the Pokémon School’s play, which takes an unexpected turn as an intruder overtakes the stage. Frustrated and upset, he just wants to give up. After a Jigglypuff appears, it picks a fight with Komala. The Legendary Pokémon Kyogre has been poisoned, and evil Pokémon hunters are after it. The night of the battle, Rockruff sneaks off and meets the island guardian Tapu Lele. Ash and his friends are ecstatic when the famous Pokébase player and Pokémon School graduate 'Olu'olu comes to umpire a class game of Pokébase. But wait, is that Team Rocket after the Pokémon? En cliquant sur Accepter, vous acceptez notre utilisation de tous les cookies et données aux fins mentionnées ci-dessus. Netflix and third parties use cookies (why?). While Harper and Sarah are excited to see the Ghost-type Pokémon, something mysterious suddenly happens. C’est, d’ailleurs, le professeur Cerise qui leur demandera de devenir des chercheurs officiels. Ash decides to enter the Great Alola Pancake Race along with Pikachu. Le Pokémon légendaire Kyogre a été empoisonné et est poursuivi par de méchants chasseurs de Pokémon. The Guardians find Poipole's original home and learn from Ultra Beast Naganadel that Necrozma, who they know as UB Black, was once the Blinding One. Ash and Lycanroc face off against Nanu and his Dark Pokémon for a rematch in the Island Grand Trial! Les amis rencontrent la seule personne ayant réussi à photographier un véritable Ptéra, qui se révèle être une vieille connaissance de Sacha. After everyone arrives back at the Pokémon School, Solgaleo vanishes, causing Ash to mope. Sarah Natochenny,Laurie Hymes,Jessica Paquet. Lillie’s attempt to awaken Magearna stirs up memories of her past. Additional … Nos héros se mettent à l'abri dans la maison d'une dresseuse capable de copier les autres et possédant un Pikachu Métamorph. Avec Omar Sy. Alors qu'il se trouve dans le centre Pokémon pour faire soigner Pikachu, Sacha apprend que de nombreux Pokémon ont été blessés suite à un accident. Dans l'arène de Parmanie, Sacha tombe sur toute une série de pièges avant de rencontrer ses futurs adversaires. According to Kiawe, touching a Sandygast’s shovel means trouble. Rowlet and Decidueye battle it out in the air! Lorsque nos amis se rendent à Safrania pour affronter Morgane, la championne de l'arène aux Pokémon psy, Sacha n'a qu'une idée en tête : remporter le badge Marais. À l'école spéciale Pokémon, Sacha et Ondine se mesurent à une vaniteuse à la tête d'un système de formation tyrannique. Resort executive Bourgain offers to buy Kiawe's family farm, and he won't take no for an answer. Dans les années 1980 à Amsterdam, une famille lance la première ligne de sexe par téléphone. À Munich au début du XXe siècle, un brasseur ambitieux n'hésite pas à employer des mesures drastiques pour s'assurer la main mise sur la très lucrative fête de la bière. In this thriller series, eight different points of view provide tantalizing clues to the perpetrator of a gruesome crime fueled by social media. Après avoir rencontré une femelle rose de la même espèce, le Papilusion de Sacha affronte la Team Rocket avec toute la force et le courage d'un Pokémon amoureux. Ash and friends are excited by Brock and Misty's surprise visit and decide to go to Treasure Island for some fun. After a presumed Ultra Beast takes the stage at a fireworks festival, the Ultra Guardians are summoned to capture it. While training for the Alola Pokémon League, a Celebi sends Ash and his Pokémon to the past, where they meet a young boy for some unforgettable fun. Hala, the kahuna of Melemele Island, gives Ash his first Island Trials task: solve an infestation of Raticate and Rattata peacefully. An Ultra Beast has stolen Hala's Z-Crystal! Could this be the mist they've been talking about? The Ultra Guardians must stop this Ultra Beast named Pheromosa before more Z-Crystals go missing. During their Alolan vacation, Ash, Pikachu and Ash's mother encounter new Pokémon and deliver a Pokémon egg from Professor Oak to the Pokémon School. Après avoir conclu un marché avec Miaouss, un groupe de Carapuces parvient à capturer Sacha, Ondine, Pierre et un Pikachu blessé qui a besoin de médicaments. Professor Kukui heads to Poni Island to help Professor Burnet. Only three Pokémon remain on each side, and the battle gets even more fiery as it gets down to the wire and both Ash and Kukui deploy their Z-moves. Sacha, Ondine et Pierre participent au carnaval d'une ville, où se déroule un spectacle de magie particulièrement désastreux. Will Eevee get there safely and find a new home? Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon. Sophocles enters a Vikavolt Race to earn a Buginium Z, but it won't be an easy competition. At last, everyone is excited at the announcement of the Alola Pokémon League except for one person, who's determined to bring down the Pokémon League. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. Then another one appears. Le groupe tombe sur un phare dont le propriétaire est à la recherche d'un Pokémon très spécial encore jamais vu par l'Homme. Ash meets a wild Litten on the way to school; it takes advantage of his kindness by stealing his lunch and running away, and he decides to catch it. Sacha et Ondine font le serment d'attraper un Canarticho sauvage rare, dont un spécimen apparaît soudainement. Lorsque celui-ci guérit, il promet de l'aider pour la remercier. Ondine trouve un Rondoudou qui a du mal à chanter. Pokémon Journeys: The Series will be premiered on it in a manner of 12 episodes every three months. Un essaim de Dardargnan en colère interrompt un combat avec le Chrysacier de Sacha, mais ce dernier s'enfuit en laissant son Pokémon derrière lui. Kukui gets roped into taking Burnet and Ash to a Masked Royal meetup at the mall. But Team Rocket is back too. With a mysterious attacker draining the Alola's region's Ultra Aura, the Guardians fight it off with Solgaleo's help. Cette fois-ci, l’histoire se déroulait dans la nouvelle région de Galar qui s’inspire énormément du Royaume-Uni.Vous pouvez retrouver le test complet de Pokémon Sword sur le site de Geeks and Com’. The students go to the Wela Fire Festival, but before their Pokémon can take turns wearing the Wela Crown, a wild Marowak appears and steals it! After a group of Dewpider are forced out of their home, one of them gets separated from the rest. Lillie, Ash and the crew are hot on his heels! He's sad about leaving his friends at the Pokémon School, and so is his Togedemaru. Star Wars : The Rise of Skywalker – NO SPOILER –... Terminator: Dark Fate – Critique | Cinéma. Team Rocket arrives in Alola. Ash and Pikachu start classes at the Pokémon School with Professor Kukui and their new classmates, who are impressed by Ash's Z-Ring. With his winning streak at stake, Guzma is tormented by fear. Un Évoli perdu conduit l'équipe vers une immense maison où se tient une fête à laquelle assistent des dresseurs de Pokémon évoluant à l'aide de pierres évolutives. But even before the class has time to get to know them, one of them is already in trouble. There they meet a legendary troublemaker named Gengar. A short cut through a cave system turns complicated: Ash and Kiawe get separated from the group and Lillie finds herself challenging a Tyranitar! The Poipole returns, and only Pikachu spots it! But for the first time in a while, he chooses to stay in the fight until the very end. To keep his secret safe, Kukui asks for Molayne’s help. Desperate for friends, a lonely Eevee sets out on an adventure to Alola, but the journey isn't easy. Watch trailers & learn more. Faba returns, showing off his latest invention: an incredible shrinking machine. Ash and his friends are given a chance to watch a film shoot, where they get to meet an adorable Magikarp named Karpy. It's up to Ash and Pikachu to make things right or they'll never see their friends again. Feeling unappreciated at her family restaurant, Mallow runs away. What followed was one of the most notorious trials in history. While her mother is abroad, an 18-year-old who's lived in a hippie commune all her life sneaks out into the real world to find her biological father. Ash realizes that he may be facing Tapu Koko in a rematch soon, so Sophocles offers to help out with scientific research for his training. Lillie argues with her mother over recording her activities, casting a shadow over the group sleepover at Ash's house with Professor Burnet. Un contremaître supervisant la construction d'un barrage décide de recruter des dresseurs de Pokémon pour venir à bout d'une créature menaçant son chantier. Elle décide de ne pas l'attraper et promet de trouver une solution à son problème. Lillie's mom invites everyone to her private island, but her assistant Faba is being creepy towards Cosmog, and Team Rocket has infiltrated the staff! Après avoir critiqué un parfum dans une boutique, Sacha découvre qu'il est produit dans l'arène locale dont l'entrée lui est refusée en raison de ses remarques. Brock suggests a trip to Akala Island, hoping to see his crush, Olivia, and win her heart. The new Meowth goes back to their base and seems to be planning to take over Meowth's life. A mysterious trainer with a powerful Lycanroc easily defeats Team Skull, and rumors about him spread. Gladion initially blames Ash, but then starts to suspect Faba. While her friends and Team Rocket search for her, she meets an Oranguru. Un petit garçon de 6 ans et son meilleur ami, un camion poubelle qui n'a pas le klaxon dans sa poche, vivent une foule d'aventures plus amusantes les unes que les autres. Jadielle est en alerte car des voleurs sévissent dans la ville. En visite chez la mère de son fiancé dans le sud de l'Italie, une femme doit lutter contre une mystérieuse malédiction qui vise sa propre fille. Le groupe découvre un village isolé et tranquille, habité par des Pokémon blessés au combat ou abandonnés par leurs dresseurs. James' Mareanie spoils his attempts to catch a Frillish and capture a Toxapex with whom he has a tortured past. Découvrez l'univers de Pokémon à travers Sacha Ketchum, un jeune garçon de 10 ans cherchant à devenir Maître Pokémon, et son ami Pikachu. Ash runs into Litten and its friend Stoutland again on his way home. Mais ce dernier répugne Ondine, qui ne supporte pas l'idée de devenir amie avec lui. But Nanu fights with more than just Pokémon. After returning to Melemele Island, Ash has a strange dream. The stadium heats up as the Top 16 face one another: Ash vs. Faba, Ilima vs. Guzma, Hau vs. When Ash and Professor Kukui notice Rockruff coming home injured, they install surveillance cameras -- and learn that Rockruff is training in secret! But watch out for the enraged Golem! Nos héros se rendent à Sombreville, où les champions d'arène tentent d'affronter tous les dresseurs de Pokémon en visite qui se trouvent dans la ville. Jessie et James cherchent à faire monter les dresseurs de Pokémon sur un bateau de croisière afin de voler leurs Pokémon. When Ash sees the Revengers about to cheat in a Battle Royal, he and Torracat jump into the ring to fight alongside Masked Royal as the Double Royals. After their defeat by Nanu, Ash and Lycanroc want to grow stronger. La franchise Pokémon est présente depuis longtemps sur Netflix et compte actuellement une demi-douzaine de programmes sur le service de streaming vidéo, … Acerola suggests seeking out the Island Guardian, Tapu Bulu. Netflix is a video-on-demand streaming service headquartered in the United States which holds a streaming license to content related to the Pokémon anime. The match between Ash and Prof. Kukui continues, with Ash and his friends giving it their all against Kukui's age and experience. Learn more about our use of cookies and information. Sophocles finds a buried rocket ship while out camping in a bamboo forest. The Akala Island Kahuna Olivia, comes to the Pokémon School. Dust, fire and lightning fill the air! De nouveau des épisodes de Pokémon Journeys: The Series seront ajoutés au catalogue de Netflix chaque trimestre en plus de proposer une nouvelle chanson thème écrite et interprétée par le groupe Walk off the Earth. Ash and Pikachu challenge Tapu Koko to a battle and suddenly end up elsewhere. Lana's Popplio and Ash's Rowlet are blown away in one of Popplio's balloons. But it looks like they have company. Alone in the house for the day, Ash and his Pokémon friends struggle with domestic tasks, including laundry, cooking and grocery shopping. If she's not up for it, maybe someone else is? So they come up with a plan of their own to cover up the lie. To get to Ultra Space, they must find the Guardians on Poni Island. Then Lillie reveals that he's her brother! After Team Rocket loses a battle against Ash and Kiawe, Jessie and Mimikyu land in a shopping mall, but Mimikyu's disguise is damaged. Pokémon Journeys is set to premiere on Netflix on June 12, which will launch the first 12 episodes of the new 23rd season of the series. Lillie and Gladion search their father’s old room for any clues to his whereabouts, and Lillie finds his Z-Ring and Magearna, an inactive Pokémon. Lillie and Lana struggle with their partners.
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