Elongation may be measured at a specific load or at the breaking point. Generally used to refer to a fabric composed of two sets of yarns, warp and filling, that is formed by weaving, which is the interlacing of these sets of yarns. Glossary of textile manufacturing (TEXITA) - 2001 (IT>DE-EN-FR--PT-ES) Entries: 4500 : 17. SWEEP. A slender, strong strand, or cord, especially one designed for sewing, or other needlework. Vertical Flame Test – A test for flame resistance in which a specimen is mounted in a vertical holder and exposed to an open flame for a specific time. A fabric dyeing that shows variations in shade resulting from incorrect processing, or dyeing methods, or from the use of faulty materials. The combining of staple fibers of different physical characteristics to assure a uniform distribution of these fibers throughout the yarn. A device for controlling the delivery and tension of the warp during weaving. the ratio of the stress expressed in either force per unit linear density, or force per unit area of the original specimen, and the strain expressed as either a fraction of the original length or percentage elongation. The product of the denier per filament and the number of filaments in the tow. The number of single yarns twisted together to form a plied yarn, or the number of plied yarns twisted together to form a cord. This includes such operations as opening, carding, spinning, plying, twisting, texturing, coning, quilling, beaming, slashing, weaving, braiding, and knitting. A unit for expressing linear density, equal to the weight in grams of one kilometer of yarn, filament, fiber or other textile strand. The machine used for weaving is the loom. flanders.be. A unit of matter, natural or manufactured, that forms the basic element of fabrics and other textile structures. The primary distinction between different types of looms is the manner of filling insertion. Textiles 1: A Textiles Vocabulary. Grosgrain. Roll Goods. The textile industry bears a rich terminology used by artists, designers, and producers to communicate about all aspects of creating textiles to be used in the home or for clothing. A term to describe fiber or yarn heat-treated to reduce the tendency of the fiber to shrink, elongate under a load, or at elevated temperatures. A class name for various genera of fibers of animal (wool and silk), mineral (asbestos) or vegetable (cotton, flax, and jute). A fiber of an indefinite or extreme length, such as one found in plant or animal structures. Broken ends can result from: slubs, knots, improper shuttle alignment, shuttle hitting the warp shed, excessive warp tension, faulty sizing, and rough reeds, heddles, dropwires, or shuttles. How Long is the School Day in Homeschool Programs? You’re probably wearing a textile right now! In the textile industry, calendering is not writing down your schedule for the month! Extra yarns running in the warp direction through a woven fabric to increase the fabric’s strength and weight. 2. Two ends woven as one in a fabric. This course will equip you with different ways of approaching visual exploration and help you to develop an individual creative skills base for your textiles practice. A shuttleless loom that employs a jet of water, or air to carry the filling yarn through the shed. The product of breaking strength times the indirect yarn number. A cord, round steel wire, or thin flat steel strip with a loop or eye near the center through which one or more warp threads pass on the loom, so that the yarn movement may be controlled in weaving. 2. 2. A horizontal measurement of a material. Redemander un mot faux au bout de quelques questions. Anglais La mode et les vêtements : L'industrie textile . Put-Up is usually described in terms of length, on rolls, or bulk supplied and may have standards as to how many “cuts” are allowed per roll or box. The yarns are prepared as warps on beams with one or more yarns for each needle. The strength of cotton can be increased through mercerizing, which is a caustic alkali treatment applied to the fibers. On a loom, the space between the wires of a reed. A term that refers to a material with a higher than normal resistance to deformation. The test measures the ease of ignition and the rate of burning. 2. This includes such operations as opening, carding, spinning, plying, twisting, texturing, coning, quilling, beaming, slashing, weaving, braiding, and knitting. You can test out of the 1. The term staple (fiber) is used in the textile industry to distinguish natural, or cut length manufactured fibers from filament. Also known as specific gravity. It may be intentional or accidental. The difference in distance between two points in a yarn as it lies in a fabric and the same two points after the yarn has been removed from the fabric and straightened under specified tension, expressed as a percentage of the straightened length. A fabric that contains a blended yarn in both the warp and filling direction. An apparatus for the carrying out of certain finishing operations, such as pleating and heat setting, under pressure in a superheated steam atmosphere. The number of filling yarns per row of tufts. Weakening or deterioration caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays of sunlight or artificial light. Fibers may be 7 to 8 microns in diameter and more than 90% carbonized. a fabric made from fibers of cellulose acetate. A yarn composed of continuous filaments assembled with or without twist. The fiber has moderate tensile strength, resistance to chemicals and high temperature. A model, or guide, or plan used in making things, such as a garment pattern. Textile Materials. aba. The architects submitted a blueprint yesterday. The process of making a core-spun yarn. that is used for sails. Examples include a cone, cheese, and pineapple package. A plain-weave fabric with a fine, smooth, crisp hand with a lustrous appearance. Small flanged or unflanged beams placed side by side on the shaft of a warp beam for further processing. An arrangement of form or weaving designs; a decoration such as the design of woven or printed fabrics. Fabrics employed in industrial processes (e.g. Anyone can earn Leveling may be a property of the dye or it may require chemical assistance. Calendering is an important step in the production of textiles that require a glaze to be pressed onto the surface as well. The interwinding of three or more strands to make a cord or narrow fabric. This is a tough fiber with a tenacity of 3.5 to 4.5 grams/denier and a melting point of 165° C. It is so light in weight that it floats and is highly resistant to mechanical abuse and chemical attack. Stitches Per Inch-declares the length of stitches by how many stitches are in an inch. To produce three-dimensional textiles, yarns are simultaneously woven in three directions (length, width and thickness), rather than in the conventional two. A variation of the plain weave in which two or more warp and filling yarns are woven side to side to resemble a plaited basket. For more information of the various steps, see textile manufacturing. A weave in which the warp yarns are arranged in pairs with one twisted around the other between picks of filling yarn. A wood, paper, or plastic support, cylindrical, or slightly tapered, with or without a conical base, on which yarn is wound. Generally, an opening. A single fiber, filament, or monofilament. Before we dive into the words that the textile industry uses, we need to know what a textile is! 1. A yarn consisting of many strands, as opposed to monofilament, which is one strand. An individual or organization that buys greige fabrics and sells them as a finished product to cutters, wholesalers, retailers, and others. Wool has been known to be harder to dye than other fibers. A broken filling yarn in a fabric. A large selection of forms for winding yarn onto. ness vocabulary used by all textile firms and the integration of exchanged business documents such as inquiries, offers, counteroffers and orders. The ratio of change in stress to change in strain following the removal of crimp from the material being tested, i.e. It is also a measure of warmness or coolness of a fabric. In woven fabric, the yarn running from selvage to selvage at right angles to the warp. A term that describes a tubular knit, or woven fabric without seams, e.g. From outdoor rugs to industrial-grade twine, Sisal is an important fiber in the textile industry. Looms in which either a double or single rapier (thin metallic shaft with a yarn-gripping device) carries filament through the shed. A substance or mixture of substances added to textile materials to impart desired properties. The process of conferring dimensional stability and other desirable properties (wrinkle resistance and improved heat resistance) by means of either moist or dry heat. Quilling. Any mechanical operation used to translate a textile fiber or yarn to a fabric or other textile material. A broom. A bolt/to bolt. If English-language learners plan to work in an industry, it's crucial for them to learn essential production and manufacturing vocabulary. Some tools used to make textiles include indigo dye, as well as a rippler, loom, bobbin, and blocker. Fabric rolled up on a core after it has been produced. Yarns that develop stretch and bulk on subsequent processing. Crocking. The Textile Industry Vocabulary ATMI The textile industry’s manufacturers’ association It encourages strong environmental controls and safeguards among its member textile manufacturers Converter An individual or organization that buys greige goods Dyeing The process for imparting a solid color to textiles Fabric Made from yarns and are either woven or knitted Fiber The smallest part of the fabric … Strong, narrow fabric, closely woven in a variety of weaves and principally used for belts and straps that can withstand strain. {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Usually expressed as a %. Cool colours. Short Sleeve. The face of the fabric consists almost completely of warp, or filling floats produced in the repeat of the weave. SOURCING. A mechanical device equipped with a magnifying glass used for counting picks (and/or ends) in finished fabrics. Procedures have been developed to assess the flame resistance of fabrics. A method of constructing fabric by interlocking series of loops of one or more yarns. The amount, or length of a fabric expressed in yards. The simple, unpolymerized form of a compound from which a polymer can be made. To aid in comprehension and memorization, these terms are broken up into related categories of materials, components, production, weaves, and finishes. Examples of textile industry in a sentence, how to use it. Country look. A term used to describe a plastic material that is permanently fusible, i.e. Each card perforation machine may carry a large number of cards, depending upon the design, because there is a separate card for each pick in the pattern. A machine that dries fabric to a specified width under tension. The material that can be removed from textiles by means of a solvent (water can often be a solvent). A general term for fibers, yarn intermediates, yarn, fabrics, and products made from fibers. Textile Processing. A fabric in which the interstices between the yarns are completely filled, as compared to sized or coated materials where the interstices are not completely filled. A broken, untied warp yarn in a fabric. It is describes in terms of weight and width of the roll and length of the material on the roll. 8 Textiles 1: A Textiles Vocabulary Course content and structure This Level 1 course represents 400 hours of learning time. A generic term for a continuous strand of textile fibers, filaments, or material in a form suitable for knitting, weaving, braiding, or otherwise intertwining to form a textile fabric. Fabric that is ready for the market, having passed through the required finishing process. The term manufactured usually refers to chemically produced fibers to distinguish them from truly natural fibers such as cotton, wool, silk, and flax. In aerospace textiles, a system of three or more yarns which are interlaced in such a way that no two yarns are twisted around each other. manufactured fibers that will soften at higher temperatures. A cylinder of wood or metal, usually with a circular flange on each end, on which warp yarns are wound for slashing, weaving, and warp knitting. Warp Knitting – A type of knitting in which the yarns generally run lengthwise in the fabric. These include such information as style, width, type of weave, or knit, yarns per inch in warp and fill, and weight of goods. Shuttle Loom Weaving: Benefits for Critical Use. “We’re always in our ‘leisure wear’ on Sundays.”. En savoir plus. 3. It is the product of the denier per filament and the number of filaments in the yarn. In linear polymeric structures, the degree of parallelism of the chain molecules. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. Whether you are a design student or an amateur weaver, knowing the lingo of the industry is important. acetate. A polyamide fiber is a high shrinkage fiber. “The invitation says ‘smart casual’ so you don’t need to wear a suit.”. Prepregs are then used by fabricators in laying-up and molding composites after which curing is completed. A C-shaped, metal clip that revolves around the ring on a ring spinning frame. A weaving defect in which a pick is improperly interlaced, resulting in a break in the weave pattern. An undrawn yarn exhibits predominantly plastic flow in the initial stages of stretching and represents an intermediate stage in the production of a manufactured yarn. A single filling yarn carried by one trip of the weft-insertion device across the loom. Orifice. SPI. This process gives uniform end to end properties. 1. Usually expressed as %. On average, the world produces 20,000 tons of cashmere annually. One factor of a tension test is called the breaking load. This process usually involves using steam. A lightweight, open weave, course fabric. Note 1 to entry: Term or its definition which is used in the textile industry but which is under discussion within ISO with the aim of coordination with the requirements of other sectors. Satin weave fabric has a characteristic smooth, luxurious surface and has a considerably greater number of yarns in the set of threads (either the warp or filling) that forms the face than in the other set. The breaking load of a fabric is the amount of pressure that must be applied in order to tear the fabric. Textile and Clothing Products. Woven fabrics 18 inches or more in width. Broken picks can result from: excessive shuttle tension, weak yarn, or filling coming in contact with a sharp surface. This process is also called warping. Prior to the invention of synthetic indigo dyes, this rare color was reserved for expensive clothing and fabrics. an S/Z/S, or Z/S/Z construction. the first syllable of a particular Mycenaean word in any one or more of the major economic sectors of the Mycenaean economy: agriculture, military, textiles and the vessels and pottery sector, along with a few religious supersyllabograms. Don't let all of the abbreviations and insider jargon confuse you! The number of turns about its axis per unit of length of a yarn, or textile strand. The process of applying sizing compounds. In general, the strength shown by a specimen subjected to tension as distinct from torsion, compression, or shear. - Methods & Importance, Introduction to Textiles & the Textile Industry. The weave controls the action of one warp yarn for the passage of one pick. A fabric having reinforcing fibers in two directions, i.e. 2. An operation to remove the sizing and tint used on the warp yarn in weaving and, in general, to clean the fabric prior to dyeing. 2. Pick and end counts are two fabric specifications needed to design a fabric. one that…. The space between two adjacent wires of the reed is called a dent. The picks interface with the warp ends to form a woven fabric. A measure of the ease of transporting electric charge from one point to another in an electric field. Fabric with open construction used as base fabric in the production of coated or laminated fabrics. Sisal is durable, stiff, and stretchy. This gives the imitation of an open structure that is characteristic of leno fabrics. The weight in grams of a thermoplastic material that can be forced through a standard orifice within a specified period of time. Resistance to fading, i.e. A fluoride containing manufactured fiber characterized by high chemical stability, relative inertness and high melting point. A metal disc containing numerous minute holes used in manufactured fiber extrusion. A general term for fibers, yarn intermediates, yarn, fabrics, and products made from fibers. Calendering, breaking load, mercerizing, dyeability, and dry combing refer to the production phase of textiles. Biaxial Braid – Braided structure with two yarn systems running in one direction and the other in the opposite direction. the direction in which the fabric is being produced by the machine. A manufactured fiber made of polymerized polyethylene units, often in monofilament form as well as in filament form. Many wool manufacturers comb with oil to make the yarn smoother and easier to manipulate. A construction of thread, yarn, cord, or rope in which each successive twist is in the same direction opposite the preceding twists; i.e. Malfunction or lack of process control in fiber manufacturing causes denier variation. Calendering refers to rolling fabric through huge heated rollers in order to flatten it out and compress the fibers together. SLT: Textile Industry Dictionary - 1994 (CA>DE-EN-ES-FR) Entries: 675 : 36. Skein Dyeing – The dyeing of yarn, fiber, or fabric in the form of skeins, or hanks. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The open flame is then extinguished and continued flaming time and char-length of the sample are measured. A unit of production, or group of other units, or packages that is taken for sampling, statistical examination, having one or more common properties and being separable from other similar lots. Study.com has thousands of articles about every The narrow edge of woven fabric that runs parallel to the warp. An individual warp yarn. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Sisal is grown and produced around the world, but most commonly in Africa and South America. A light, tapered tube of wood, metal, paper, or plastic on which the filling yarn is wound for use in the shuttle during weaving. A term applied to materials that are impermeable to water; waterproof fabrics have all of their pores closed and are also impermeable to air making them uncomfortable to wear. Extruded yarn (filaments), the component molecules of which are substantially unorientated. The fabric is held firmly at the edges by pins, or clips on the two chains that diverge as they advance through the heated chamber, adjusting the fabric to the desired width. All the processes through which fabric is passed after bleaching, dyeing, or printing in preparation for the market or use. These fibers are incombustible and will tolerate heat up to 1000°F. The last operation of the loom in weaving, in which the last pick inserted in the fabric is “beat” into position against the preceding pick, usually by a “comb-like” device called a reed. Migration leading to uniform distribution of dye in a dyed material. 1. Used for heat resistance and high dielectric strength. It can simulate various weather conditions such as sunlight, rain, dew, and thermal-shock. The maximum resultant internal force that resists rupture in a tension test. A yarn made by twisting fibers around a filament or a previously spun yarn, thus concealing the core. A property of perfectly elastic materials, it is the ratio of change in stress to change in strain within the elastic limits of the material. Create an account to start this course today. Quite simply, a textileis any woven fabric. Nylon Fiber. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming material is a long chain synthetic polyamide having at least 85% of its amide linkages (-NH-CO-) attached directly to two aromatic rings. total calorific energy per unit mass which could be released by the complete combustion of a material. When a yarn breaks, the wire drops, activating a switch that stops the machine. A stop-motion device utilizing metal wires suspended from warp or creeled yarns. An architectural plan. A process of allowing textile materials to reach equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere. Olefin fibers combine lightweight with high strength and abrasion resistance. He’s always in a suit.”. Use these terms a starting point for general vocabulary study or students with specific learning needs. Taffeta fabric usually has a fine cross rib made by using a heavier filling yarn than warp yarn. The higher the value, the lower the flammability. The fabric is formed by interlacing the yarns diagonally to the production axis of the material. Any non-elastic woven fabric, 12 inches, or less in width, having a selvage on either side. Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school. Horizontal Flame Test – A test for flame resistance in which a specimen is mounted in a horizontal holder and exposed to an open flame for a specific time to measure the burning rate and char-hole diameter. The difference in distance between two points on an unstretched fiber and the same two points when the fiber is straightened under tension. Fabrics impregnated with an adhesive and dielectric compounds. A term used to describe a plastic that, once formed, will not melt. Dyeing The application of a semi-liquid material such as rubber, polyvinyl chloride, or polyurethane to one or both sides of the textile material. melting point, boiling point. Spun or filament yarns of two generic fibers or two variants of the same generic fiber. Liste vocabulaire anglais industrie FRANÇAIS ANGLAIS la métallurgie the metal industry à faire sur commande, à faire sur demande to make to order, to make on request à la demande (production) make to order / on request (production) à la machine to machine accumulation / retard backlog achat zéro défaut zero-defect purchase actif / passif […] An instrument used in measuring the weather resistance of textiles. credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. In woven fabric, it is the distance from selvage to selvage, and in knitted fabric, from edge to edge. Nombre de questions à reviser : Inverser le sens de révision (Anglais - Français). Machines for weaving fabric by interlacing a series of vertical parallel yarns (the warp) with a series of horizontal parallel yarns (the filling). A mechanical finishing process for fabrics used to produce special effects, such as high luster, glazing, moiré, and embossed effects. It has very low frictional characteristics and has a slippery hand. 1. A term used to describe a material that burns slowly, or is self-extinguishing after removal of an external source of ignition. 1. 2. Any mechanical operation used to translate a textile fiber or yarn to a fabric or other textile material. Cotton is a vegetable fiber that ranges from a light to dark cream color. A system, or pattern of intersecting warp and filling yarns. flanders.be. The ratio is calculated from the stress expressed in force per unit cross-sectional area, and the strain expressed as a fraction of the original length. Thread Count and Warp Count.
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