letizia d'espagne 2020


letizia d'espagne 2020

Cela représente une dépense moyenne de 30 euros pour chacun des 50 millions d’adultes résidents en France. It is also a time to radically accelerate the pace of thermal renovations of buildings, to create jobs on a massive scale in the environment and renewable energy sectors, to extend minimum income systems to young people and students. Despite the amount, this massive monetary injection (700 billion in two months) is not going to be sufficient: the spread of interest rates to the detriment of Italy, which had fallen in mid-March following the ECB’s announcements, rose again very rapidly. De multiples recherches en ont démontré la réalité, mais nous manquons d’un véritable Observatoire des discriminations objectivant les faits et en assurant le suivi annuel. Click to learn more about how we use your data. Instead of fighting discrimination, the government has embarked on a  course of pursuing the far right and hunting down  social scientists. The main innovation is that the data collected make it possible to cover almost all countries. Autrement dit, pour un même revenu national, le niveau de vie des 50% les plus pauvres peut varier d’un facteur allant de 1 à 5. Jetzt mitmachen: Die "Let’s Make … As Asma Benhenda has shown, the average salary per teacher in France increases sharply with the proportion of socially advantaged pupils in the school. Le Moyen-Orient apparaît comme la région la plus inégalitaire de la planète, à la fois du fait d’un système de frontières concentrant les ressources sur les territoires pétro-monarchiques et d’un système bancaire international permettant de transformer la rente pétrolière en rente financière éternelle. In this connection, we should bear in mind that the German external debt was frozen in 1953 (and definitively waived in 1991) and that the remainder of the huge post-war public debt was extinguished by a special levy on the highest financial wealth holdings (which will also be necessary this time again). Le blog de Thomas Piketty. Par exemple, dans une étude conduite en 2014, les chercheurs ont envoyé des faux CV à des employeurs en réponse à quelques 6231 d’offres d’emploi et ont observé les taux de réponse sous forme de proposition d’entretien d’embauche. It should also be noted that inequalities are high in all countries. As it is unlikely that the ECB or the Fed will ever decide to put these securities back on the markets or to demand their repayment, the decision to no longer count them in the total public debt could be taken now. But the Southerners preferred to play the secession card, like some of the white settlers from South Africa and Algeria in the 20th century, in an attempt to preserve their world. The road ahead will be long and arduous. The number of slaves quadrupled between 1800 and 1860; cotton production increased tenfold and fed the European textile industry. L’un des points actuellement en discussion est de savoir si les associations cultuelles peuvent également recevoir des dons et legs en franchise de droits de successions et exploiter des immeubles de rapport. Le blog de Thomas Piketty. If you make a donation to the Eglise de France or the Paris Mosque, you will receive a tax reduction equal to 66% of your donation. Il en va de même du système d’échange automatique d’informations bancaires mis en place par l’OCDE. Publié le 17 novembre 2020 21 novembre 2020 par piketty. Voir en particulier p.35, graphiques 22-23 : les associations cultuelles reçoivent 15% du total des legs et libéralités. Il est également essentiel de pouvoir dire dans quelle mesure la discrimination se concentre au sein d’une fraction des employeurs. Everyone has started lending and borrowing in unprecedented proportions, with the result that the total private financial assets and liabilities held by banks, companies and households now exceed 1000% of GDP in rich countries (without even including derivative securities), compared to 200% in the 1970s. Pour résumer : la planète est traversée par de multiples fractures inégalitaires, que la pandémie va encore aggraver. The Confederate flag, the emblem of the pro-slavery South during the Civil War of 1861-1865, which was waved a few days ago by the rioters on the floor of the federal parliament was not there by chance. Pour comprendre ce qui s’est passé, il est urgent de sortir des mythes et de l’idolâtrie, et de revenir sur l’histoire. Mais leur périodicité et leur taille sont insuffisantes pour faire des décompositions par région, secteur et taille d’entreprise, ce que permettraient les recensements, sur une base anonyme. Bisher erschienen diese Beiträge. Le nombre d’esclaves quadruple entre 1800 et 1860 ; la production de coton décuple et alimente l’industrie textile européenne. The most important question is the following: should we continue along this path, and can we envisage that central banks will in future hold 50% and then 100% of public debts, thereby lightening the financial burden on States? In the immediate future, this can only be financed by debt and with the active support of the central banks. Rather than concentrating these sums on the better-off, one could imagine that everyone would have the same 50 euro « voucher for associative life » to devote to the association of their choice (religious, cultural, humanitarian…), whatever their values and beliefs. Thanks to the combined efforts of 150 researchers from all continents, the World Inequality Database (WID.world) has just put new data online on the distribution of income in the different countries of the world. In other words, either we convince all the other countries to renegotiate the European treaties (plan A), or we leave the existing treaties and build new ones with a smaller group of countries (plan B). Consultez l’ensemble des articles, reportages, directs, photos et vidéos de la rubrique Blogs dessinés publiés le lundi 29 mars 2021. Like anti-Semitism or homophobia, Islamophobia is not inevitable and can be overcome. The problem is that this great national narrative is sometimes accompanied by monumental hypocrisy. Of the fifteen presidents who succeeded one another until Lincoln’s election in 1860, no fewer than eleven were slave owners, including Washington and Jefferson, both of whom were born in Virginia, which in 1790 had a population of 750,000 (of which 40% were slaves), equivalent to the combined population of the two most populous northern states (Pennsylvania and Massachusetts). Le système esclavagiste a joué un rôle central dans le développement des Etats-Unis, comme d’ailleurs du capitalisme industriel occidental dans son ensemble. Add to wishlist. A major reversal of the alliance as then took place, amplified by Reagan in 1980 and Trump in 2016. In Latin America, for example, Brazil, Mexico or Chile have historically been more unequal than Argentina, Ecuador or Uruguay (where more ambitious social policies have been implemented for several decades), and the gap between these two groups of countries has widened over the past 20 years. Für ein ganz anderes Ganzes“ haben Freitag Abend in München, um die 450 Menschen, für die Überwindung des Kapitalismus demonstriert. For centuries, people from different ethno-racial backgrounds have lived with no contact with each other except through military and colonial domination. Die überregional erscheinende Zeitung gilt neben dem Figaro als die wichtigste meinungsbildende Zeitung Frankreichs. But this monetary creation, decided behind closed doors, and outwith any adequate democratic embeddedness, has also contributed to boosting the stock market and property prices, and to making the richest even richer, without resolving the structural problems of the real economy (lack of investment, rise in inequality, environmental crisis). Surtout, il est essentiel que les gouvernements fournissent des indicateurs permettant à tout un chacun de vérifier dans quelle mesure tout cela permet d’avancer vers un système fiscal plus juste. At a time when religious disputes seem to be flaming up again in France, it is worthwhile considering a question that is not so much material as central: how to finance religions, while ensuring the neutrality of public power with regard to different beliefs? This gives the authorities a clear conscience at little cost, while the issue of financing the public services that are essential to breaking the cycle of inequality are often forgotten. But the North-East of the USA and especially the Mid-West (the birthplace of Lincoln) developed even more rapidly. The same should be done in education, health and all low-wage sectors. Les nouvelles données permettent en outre d’analyser pour chaque pays l’évolution détaillée de l’ensemble de la répartition, des plus pauvres aux plus riches. France refuses all discussion on the subject of a debt which France had imposed on Haitians (as a fine) for having wanted to put an end to their slavery. It can be seen for instance that the share of the poorest 50% varies considerably from country to country: it varies between 5% and 25% of total income. The Northerners refused their departure, and the war began in 1861. This requires large-scale testing campaigns that allow for reliable comparisons over time and between regions and sectors of activity. One of the points currently under discussion is whether religious associations can also receive donations and legacies free of inheritance tax and operate rental properties. With regard to the financing of cults (priests and buildings), the central and little-known role played by tax subsidies must be recalled. Ein Bündnis linksradikaler Gruppen aus München hatte für den 30.4. eine Abenddemo in München geplant. The answer is simple: as long as inflation is near zero and interest rates are zero, we must continue. To do this, questions on the parents’ country of birth should be introduced into the census surveys (which are carried out amongst 14% of the population each year). These schools have also retained the right to choose their pupils freely, without respecting any common rules in terms of social mix. Model tables have been proposed by the World Inequality Lab, and they could naturally be discussed and improved. Si l’on décide que ce n’est pas souhaitable, alors il faudrait au minimum que les informations statistiques publiées fassent clairement apparaître les impôts payés par les personnes appartenant à des tranches de patrimoines très élevés : fortunes comprises entre 1 et 10 millions d’euros, entre 10 et 100 millions, entre 100 millions et 1 milliard, et ainsi de suite. The fall of the U.S. idol. Thanks to research carried out in Latin America, Africa and Asia, 173 countries representing 97% of the world’s population are now covered. Die Haupteigentümer haben sich geeinigt, das Sagen behält die Redaktion. Un site utilisant Les blogs Le Monde.fr . Die hat viele Investoren, Banken und Beraterfirmen reich, aber nur wenige Bürger glücklich gemacht. Autor: Astrid Ka Erster Blogbeitrag . The problem is that the LFI does not say which democratic body should in its view be empowered to take such decisions by majority rule. Haiti is now requesting that France refund this iniquitous tribute (30 billion Euros today, which does not include the interest) and it is difficult not to agree with them. Then, if these social-federalist proposals are not taken up at the moment, the unilateral approach should nevertheless remain incentive-based and reversible. Descendre au contenu. A model which would embrace the reality of racism and ensure the means to measure and correct it, while placing the fight against discrimination within the broader framework of a social policy with a universalist agenda. Once again this would demand a knowledge of the owners. To go beyond the prevailing conservatism, it is also urgent to go back to history. Des tableaux types ont été proposés par le Laboratoire sur les inégalités mondiales, et ils pourraient naturellement être discutés et améliorés. Pourquoi pas, mais à condition que cela n’empêche pas d’avancer sur le fond. Concrètement, il faut que les administrations fiscales publient chaque année des informations détaillées sur les impôts payés et les recoupements réalisés concernant les différentes catégories de contribuables concernés. How are States going to deal with the accumulation of public debt generated by the Covid crisis? It should be noted in passing that the plan has yet to be ratified by the national parliaments, which de facto each have a right of veto. France is also the only country to have chosen to close its primary schools one day a week (Thursdays from 1882 to 1972, then Wednesdays) to give catechism lessons. Un site utilisant Les blogs Le Monde.fr. von Niels Kadritzke. After the Second World War, when public debt had reached levels higher than today, most countries introduced exceptional levies on the highest private assets. Mais elle ne doit pas faire oublier que les associations cultuelles, qu’elles relèvent de la loi de 1901 (associations mixtes, cultuelles et culturelles) ou de celle de 1905 (associations cultuelles pures), bénéficient d’ores et déjà d’une subvention fiscale au titre de l’impôt sur le revenu. 466 likes. Rather than repeating over and over again that the Republic does not subsidise any religion, which is obviously false, it would be better to face reality and try to improve it. This amounts to considering religion as a belief or a cause like any other and favours the renewal and diversity of structures. This would alleviate debt while reducing inequalities, investing in sectors useful for the future and shifting inflation from asset prices to wages and goods and services. Blog; Archiv. There is also considerable confusion in individual responses: between a quarter and a half of people born in Turkey, Egypt or the Maghreb classify themselves as ‘White’ (a category with which they identify better than ‘Black/Caribbean’ or ‘Indian/Pakistani’), while others classify themselves as ‘Asian’ or ‘Arab’ (a category introduced in 2011, but which did not appeal to all of the people targeted). The most extreme injustice is undoubtedly the case of Saint Domingue, the jewel of the French slave islands in the 18th century, before their insurrection in 1791 and their proclamation of independence in 1804 under the name of Haiti. Guten Appetit und Shahiya Tayiba! Read more. The second step is that the highest private wealth will, of course,  have to be used at some point to finance social recovery and reduce public debt. Comme l’antisémitisme ou l’homophobie, l’islamophobie n’est pas une fatalité et peut être vaincue. On the other hand, the higher the donation the believer can afford to make, the larger the public subsidy (up to 20% of income). In reality, there is nothing particularly neutral or exemplary about the system in place in France. Instead, the government favours suspicion and stigmatisation. Its main flaw remains its small size (less than 3% of European GDP) and its subordination to the unanimity rule, which prevents any reactivity and change of sails. Plus généralement, les politiques de discrimination positive développés à partir des catégories ethno-raciales aux Etats-Unis ou au Royaume-Uni, des castes en Inde ou des territoires en France sont souvent très hypocrites. Blog. (3) Sur l’évolution du système de déduction fiscale puis de réduction d’impôt lié aux dons en France depuis 1954, voir G. Fack, C. Landais, A. Myczkpowski, Biens publics, charité privée, Cepremap, 2018, p.71-76. When we create 1000 places in ‘talented’ prepas, (preparatory classes) without increasing the resources allocated to the millions of disadvantaged students in university tracks, we are only reinforcing a hyper-inegalitarian education system. In the meantime, the United States became the world’s leading military power and was able to put an end to the cycle of nationalist and genocidal self-destruction which opposed the European colonial powers against each other between 1914 and 1945. It can be seen for instance that the share of the poorest 50% varies considerably from country to country: it varies between 5% and 25% of total income. genuine owners, and not simply ‘shell’ companies acting as fronts) made public by Luxembourg as a result of a European Union obligation, and which we are still waiting for France to put online, unfortunately has many flaws. Alors que la crise pandémique nourrit plus que jamais la demande de justice sociale, une nouvelle enquête menée par un consortium de médias internationaux (dont Le Monde) vient de révéler les turpitudes financières du Luxembourg, un paradis fiscal niché au cœur de l’Europe. Au lieu de cela, le gouvernement privilégie la suspicion et la stigmatisation. Jewish-sounding names are also discriminated against, although less massively. Here again, in order to go further, it will be necessary to move to majority rule, ideally in the framework of a genuine European Assembly, even if this means moving forward with a subset of countries. Global inequalities: where do we stand? L'auteur du Capital au 21e siècle et de Capital et idéologie porte un regard sans concession sur l'actualité sociopolitique française, européenne et internationale. The answer is yes, but under certain conditions. A similar development is taking place in the United States. In the absence of a new, more balanced, social-federal and democratic model of regional development, it is to be feared that the totalitarian and reactionary ideologies currently at work will continue to occupy the field, as in Europe a century ago. On notera également la progression continue des inégalités en Europe de l’est depuis les années 1990. Und zwar die richtigen, und am besten schnell. Since 2008, central banks have created massive amounts of money to save private banks from the financial crisis which they had themselves provoked. Où faut-il s’arrêter dans la relance publique ? This will require an increased effort at financial transparency. Alternativen zu Le Monde. It is not here that a president would take an oath on the Bible! (1) On the proposal for « voucher for associative life » (« bon pour l’égalité associative »), see J. Cagé, Libres et égaux en voix, Fayard 2020. Le blog de Thomas Piketty. The share of the richest 10% represents between 30% and 70% of total income. Of the fifteen presidents who succeeded one another until Lincoln’s election in 1860, no fewer than eleven were slave owners, including Washington and Jefferson, both of whom were born in Virginia, which in 1790 had a population of 750,000 (of which 40% were slaves), equivalent to the combined population of the two most populous northern states (Pennsylvania and Massachusetts).

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