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When creating a post in PromoRepublic, insert a URL in the text box and the website preview will automatically be pulled up. How to Get the Link to Your Facebook Post on Desktop. 企業がFacebookを利用するのは、もはや当たり前となっています。初心者がFacebookを理解するために知っておきたい、いいね!・シェア・タイムラインなどの基礎用語を、画像と一緒にわかりやすく解説していきます。 Wie Sie dazu vorgehen müssen, erfahren Sie in dem … Create an account or log into Facebook. Facebook link ads can be optimized for post-click landing page views to ensure you target users who are likely to click on your ad and wait for your post-click landing page to load: When optimizing for link clicks, Facebook doesn’t consider if a user waits for your page to load. The most recent Facebook post of 39-year-old Brittany Hall Perez of Atlanta on January 12, for example, shows her wearing a mask while holding up … This will put the link to the Facebook post into your clipboard … Action 2: Below the profile/page name, you can see the clock icon. 3 – Right-click on the highlighted URL and click Copy. Do you want to link your Facebook groups and pages together? 2 – Highlight the URL of the post in the browser’s address bar. If you use the Facebook app on a mobile device: 1 – Tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the post. You can then run your post with all of them, some of them, or none of them. Click the "Make Post" text box near the top of the News Feed page. It’s easy! Each Facebook post has a timestamp on the top (it may be something like Just now, 3 mins or Yesterday). It will usually look something like “5 minutes”, “Yesterday at 11:52 AM” or “Just now”. Posting a link on Facebook is a great way to share content with a large number of people at once. As an example, imagine that you are Facebook friends with Bobby. Recommended size with link: 1,200 by 1,200 pixels Aspect ratio: 9:16 to 16:9 Facebook Stories Source: Facebook If you use a still image on you Facebook Stories ad, Facebook recommends that you keep about 14% or 250 Only after successfully doing that you can cross-post… So that people can look up … Facebook selbst bietet dazu spezielle Plugins an. Fortunately, there are two ways you can get around that. To post content from Facebook to Instagram, you have to link your Instagram account to your Facebook page. Bonus tip #2: Want to make sure you never miss one of my tips? 3 – Now you can paste the copied URL into a new Facebook post, a comment on another post, a blog post, or an instant message or email. Since Twitter has a character limit, it will automatically truncate your post with an automatically created short URL (Example ) that will link back to the original post on Facebook. 18 D … Usually, people add a comment to explain the link; other times, they use the link … To save time, you can also right mouse click on the Post Timestamp of the Facebook post and click on Copy Link Address. Hyperlinks in Facebook posts. Facebook; Post; Link; Facebook - Namenslink in Post einfügen! Es ist empfehlenswert die folgende URL in die Favoritenliste hinzuzufügen: ... dass Ihr Facebook-Post oder Ihre Facebook Ad (Anzeige) optimal zur Geltung kommen. If you found this post useful, would you mind helping me out by sharing it? Wollt ihr den Link zu eurem Profil erhalten, geht wie folgt vor: Klickt nach dem Login oben auf euren Namen. You can now paste the link (Ctrl-V) into your email or status update. You can paste it anywhere, such as in a new post, email message, or on your blog. Facebook by default offers fair enough search capabilities in terms of finding someone by their name, email, or phone number. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Facebook hat dies eingestellt, um Fake-News entgegen zu wirken! This will work for any post in anyone’s timeline. How to Pin a Post on Facebook Learning how to pin a post on Facebook is a valuable tool to promote messaging to your visitors and can be done in four easy steps. Bei Instagram werden am häufigsten Bilder gepostet, während Videos die meisten Interaktionen erhalten. B. einem Kommentar oder Foto), der von einem Profil, einer Seite, einer Gruppe oder einer Veranstaltung erstellt wurde: Klicke im Beitrag, Kommentar, Foto, geteilten Beitrag oder Video auf den Link … It includes the website title, description, and thumbnail image. 3. Thanks a bunch! 15 Newsletters To Level Up Your Marketing, And You. Just click one of the handy social media sharing buttons below. You can make your page(s) as your group admin(s). Choose the button that correlates to your goal to get people to take your desired action. Follow the steps it helps to collect the post URL. Go to and log in if necessary. Sie können auf Facebook nur veröffentlichen, wenn Sie dort als aktiver... Das Posten von Links auf Facebook - Teilen. Facebook zieht die Informationen entweder aus den Open Graph Tags, oder Meta-Tags der Webseite. Bobby shares an amazing cat video that you just have to share with your Twitter friends. Link posts that use the built-in Facebook link format receive twice as many clicks compared to links typed into a photo update. Sure, Facebook makes it easy to share a post with your friends, but what if you’d like someone who isn’t on your friends list to see it? 01. Wenn es mehrere geeignete Bilder gibt, stellt Facebook … Added Facebook Mobile API to auto post since facebook had made some changes recently, so Facebook Graph API have few limitation and has been deprecated for newly created API. Link in Facebook Story einfügen. Annahme 3: Posts unter der Woche sind erfolgreicher als an Wochenenden. It’s actually quite easy to retrieve the link to any specific Facebook post and then post it in a new post or  comment. It’s a great idea to share these to your email list, asking them for comments on your post. Jeder Post, den du auf deiner Facebook-Seite (und auch auf deinem privaten Profil) schreibst, planst und veröffentlichst, bekommt von Facebook eine eindeutige URL zugewiesen. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Im nächsten Schritt kannst Du Deinen erstellten Facebook Post mit einem weiteren Klick direkt auf Facebook teilen und wenn Du willst, an dieser Stelle noch eine zusätzliche Beschreibung hinzufügen. This generator provides you the best mock facebook post/status with comments facility. Boost a Post Reach more people with easy-to-do promotions and boosted posts. From your Facebook Home news feed select Pages from the left menu. Sobald Sie einen Link bei Facebook posten möchten, durchsucht Facebook die dahinterliegende Website nach geeigneten Bildern. Wenn Sie Ihre Freunde auf eine Facebook-Seite aufmerksam machen wollen, können Sie diese einfach in Ihrem Post verlinken. Only clicking on the link itself will lead you to the website. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. Phone number or email When you input a link into a Facebook post, Facebook will automatically go and scrape any pictures it can find on the page you are sharing and auto-populate them in your post. Mittlerweile bieten aber viele Webseiten eine weitere Möglichkeit, einen Link zu erstellen und auf Facebook zu posten. Click “Create Group” if you want to create Um im News Feed eine größere Wirkung zu erzielen, werden immer häufiger Titel bearbeitet und mit einer Call-to-Action versehen. This can only be done in Facebook Notes, which support HTML. If you use the Facebook app on a mobile device: 1 – Tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the post. So können Sie Ihre Facebook-Seite innerhalb Ihres Internetauftritts ausgeben und Besucher können direkt aus Ihrer Website heraus Ihr Facebook-Profil liken. Just add a link to the post. Image Source: Shopify’s Facebook page If you create more attractive Facebook link images and optimize them for clicks, you will generate more attention and also drive more traffic . Smartphone Tips Seokratie GmbH. Step-by-step guide to completely ridding your PC of viruses and other malware, 10 reasons why I recommend buying tech gear from Amazon, Computer Tips Then, … Grab people's attention . Main address: Blutenburgstr. You’re not alone. Note: This was a link post promoted with “Boost Post.”You can see it received 2,791 post engagements (mainly post likes) yet just 141 link clicks. Boost a Facebook Post Give your business story a boost. Contrarily, hashtags attached to Facebook posts WILL be 2 – Tap Copy link. Want to choose your anchor text and hide that URL? Hi there, I will show you today how to collect the Facebook post URL. (You just might win my Monthly Tech Gear Giveaway!). Using a link to post a PDF works with group, fanpage, and personal Walls, as well. Zur richtigen Uhrzeit posten Dabei berücksichtigt Facebook nur Bilder für die Link-Vorschau, die mindestens 200 x 200 Pixel aufweisen. Do not italicize emojis. Have you ever read a Facebook post and wanted to link directly to it for some reason? 11 einfach umzusetzende Praxistipps für bessere Facebook-Posts. Ist das Vorschaubild zu sehen, können Sie den schriftlichen Link wieder löschen. LG ☺...komplette Frage anzeigen. With one click, you can spark discussion on a hot topic, share something funny with friends or simply post links to products and Facebook gab bekannt, dass ab sofort mehr Link-Beiträge von Facebook-Seiten im Newsfeed, auf der Startseite, landen. If so, click here and send it in! Die Startseiten-URL wird … One way to go about this is by creating better Facebook link images because they take up the most space in a Facebook post and stand out from the text. Do not italicize emojis. from the left menu. Perhaps you’d like to place a link to a post in a comment on another post to add context or additional information to the original post? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Which Managed WordPress hosting plan would you recommend for a high-traffic blog? Would you like to ask Rick a tech question? 4- Now you can paste the copied URL into a new Facebook post, a comment on another post, a blog post, or an instant message or email. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking platforms with over 2.5 Billion active users a month, but our Facebook post doesn’t reach all of them. 2018-03-15 2018-03-15 Neele Hehemann. Wie du sicherlich weist, gibt es diese Funktion bei Instagram etwas länger, aber diese Funktion können nur User benutzen die mehr als 10.000 Follower besitzen. Kein Post ohne Bild. You can delete the preview and add your image, but clicking on the visual in the feed won't direct you to the URL destination. Ein Bild macht den Post mächtiger und auffälliger, so steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Nutzer bei einem guten Bild „hängenbleiben“. Creator Studio lets creators and publishers manage posts, insights and messages from all of your Facebook Pages in one place. Pretty simple, right? 45 Facebook Post Ideas That Generate High Engagement 1. A Facebook boosted post has the same features as a regular Facebook post, with a few extras. So erhältst du einen Link zu einem bestimmten Inhalt (z. 2. Just…. Immer wieder wird auch über den besten Zeitpunkt zum Posten spekuliert. All Rights Reserved, there’s no direct access to the link for a post, Now, before you look for the post you want to link to, open the left menu by clicking on the three bar icon and scroll all the way to the bottom. Facebook's Open Graph protocol allows for web developers to turn their websites into Facebook "graph" objects, allowing a certain level of customization over how information is carried over from a non-Facebook website to Facebook when a page is "recommended" and "liked". Hence you can easily prank your friends and family members with your fake facebook post and see their awesome reactions. Link auf Facebook posten - so geht's Einen Link auf Facebook posten - Voraussetzungen. Be sure to highlight and copy (Ctrl-C) the entire URL to be able to link to that Facebook Post. Link ads work across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network. Link ads work across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network. 4. Facebookが定める最新の技術的要件とデザインの推奨事項をまとめました。Facebook、Instagram、Audience Network、Messengerで利用できる広告フォーマットをご確認いただけます。 Somit kannst Du mit klickbaren Bildern sehr einfach und effektiv die Klick- und Aufrufrate Deiner Webseite steigern. But sometimes you may wanna find, copy and share a link to your Facebook profile or business page. Wenn nun jemand Dein Bild anklickt, landet die Person direkt auf der verlinkten Zielseite. 5. Unwiderstehliche Visuals. You can type three lines of text in a Facebook post before your message gets cut off by the See More link on mobile (as of August 16, 2019). Bonus tip #1: Do you hate receiving game requests and app notifications in your Facebook newsfeed? Luckily, Facebook now lets me see what post types perform best on my pages -- as seen below in the graph from the Post Planner page: The first thing you'll notice here is that the Reach of photo posts is the lowest of the 3 post types (videos isn't shown because we don't post them). It may be an article they found interesting, or an event, a photo album, or anything else they want to publicize. Schritt für Schritt-Anleitung – Bearbeiten von Links in Facebook-Beiträgen: Fügen Sie den Link ein und Facebook wird den Vorschau-Link bereitstellen. Using the Facebook app? Wer im Facebook Newsfeed noch etwas Aufmerksamkeit bekommen möchte, muss sich schon etwas Besonderes ausdenken. Grund: Über 50 % der Nutzer greifen auf Facebook mobil zu und überfliegen die Inhalte im Newsfeed sehr schnell. This way, that information would be changed globally for anyone who shares the link to my post — not just this one time. Findet sich auf der direkten Seite kein geeignetes Bild, greift Facebook beispielsweise auch auf den Header oder Bilder aus der rechten Spalte zurück. Da sieht einfach jedes Statusupdate gleich aus und auch ein Link Post kann sich kaum abheben. Your page(s) can post, react and comment in your group(s). This post explains how. Nicht ganz einfach bei den Post-Formaten, die Facebook den Page-Administratoren derzeit zur Verfügung stellt. Count a URL or other link, a hashtag, or an emoji as one word each, and include them in the reference if they fall within the first 20 words. Facebook users share a jaw-dropping 26 billion links a year on the platform, with 54,000 more being shared every minute.. Click this graphic to see exactly how many links are being shared on Facebook right now. Geben Sie nun Ihren Text ein: Bitte bedenken Sie immer, dass Ihre Leser erfahren wollen, warum Sie gerade diesen Beitrag lesen sollen. The entire ad is clickable, so people will be directed to your web page whether they click the image or the button. Q&A: Would moving the Windows Page File to a RAM Disk speed up an older PC. If you use Facebook in a web browser on a laptop or desktop computer: 1 – Find the post you’d like to link to and look for the date/time stamp. Additional features of Facebook boosted posts include a call-to-action button and the ability to track ad metrics for the post. Action 1: Find the posts you want to collect. Die Plugins ermöglichen Ihnen, Inhalte von Facebook ganz einfach per automatisch generiertem Code in Ihre Website einzubinden. Diese URL wird weltweit nur einmalig vergeben und setzt sich zusammen aus verschiedenen Ziffern und Zeichen. Here’s what you need to know: How to share a link on Facebook. Click on the date/time and the post will open on a page all by itself. Da hilft nur noch der Griff in die Social-Media-Trickkiste und […] Kopiere den Link (die URL) aus der Adresszeile deines Browsers. Link a Different Facebook Account to Instagram As mentioned above, Instagram automatically picks up the Facebook profile that is registered with the Facebook … Wenn Sie etwa einen Artikel lesen, sehen Sie manchmal ein kleines Facebook-Logo unter dem Beitrag. Statt also einfach nur einen Text mit Link zu posten, sollten Sie zukünftig IMMER den Link mit Vorschaubild versenden. Facebookの投稿を外部サイトに埋め込むことが出来るのですが、バグなのか何なのか表示されない時があります。 どうすれば表示されるのか?またどうすれば表示されないのか試してみました … Make it easy to reach your site. Generally speaking, you always want to leave one (or more) of these pics in place, or replace them correctly (more on this in a minute). 1. Frequently, people use their Facebook status updates to bring attention to something else on the Internet. Your posts don’t have to be fewer than three lines, but the first three lines of your post do need to entice people to click on your post. You can’t hide a link to an external URL in a normal Facebook post or comment. Or what if you’d like to post a list of links to several related posts that would best be viewed together? Go to the link you want to post. :D . The caption of a link in the post (appears beneath the name). Auf Facebook kommt das Format mit den viertmeisten Interaktionen am häufigsten zum Zug, nämlich der Link-Post. There you go. Facebook Link-Posts optimieren: Überschriften in Call-to-Action umwandeln. If you’ve ever made these changes before, though, you may have noticed that Facebook often doesn’t display the updated information after making your changes. How to Get the Link to Your Facebook Post on Mobile . Post your link on your wall and News Feed First of all, every website owner should create a Facebook Business Page in order to look professional, increase their exposure, and improve their reachability among potential site visitors. Tip: While you can, of course, share pictures and videos, the actual files won’t be cross-posted – instead, Twitter will post a link to the original Facebook image or video. Wenn Sie großartige Texte mit attraktiven Bildern kombinieren, sind Sie … Highlight the link, then press Ctrl+C or ⌘ Command+C to copy it. Limited Targeting Options If you look at Facebook boost post targeting Translation: when you add a link in a Facebook post for the first time, Facebook hasn’t yet cached all the information it needs to generate a preview – therefore, Facebook can’t create the image preview you expect until someone shares your link a second time. Meine freunde schreiben in ihre post's manchmal "Sitzt mit Peter Pan** in einem zimmer und telefoniert mit Cindereller**" (** als link (natürlich sind die namen nicht echt ;DD)) wie gehen die namen dann als link ?! Start with a Story Telling a story is one of the best Facebook content ideas because it resonates with real people. Please click 'Accept Cookies' to continue. So, to copy it, simply hover your mouse over the timestamp, right click, then copy link address. If you post content on Facebook, the odds are that you share quite a few links with your followers. Blogging Tips. Press Ctrl+V or ⌘ Command+V to … You can even link to the post from a blog post or send it via email or instant message. Well, you can easily turn them off. ***ACHTUNG***Seit 17.07.2017 ist das Ändern von Links nicht mehr möglich! This timestamp contains the link to your post. Each Facebook post does have a unique link that you can share anywhere that accepts hyperlinks! Our Fake Facebook Account Generator allows you to change the persons name, profiles picture, likes, post text, post image and comments as you desire so that post should look like real. Build your own Fake Facebook Post with comments with our best fake Facebook Post Generator and prank your friends. 1.4.2 Removed user_about_me from scope while authorization The data comes from Facebook itself , which performed studies on the number of clicks for different post types. It should start with something like…. The only difference is that you have to post the .pdf link into your Facebook status like you would with any web link you want to share on your Wenn Sie darauf klicken, erstellt die Homepage automatisch einen Link und teilt diesen in Ihrem Profil. ***ACHTUNG***In die... Facebook … That’s all there is to linking to a specific Facebook post. If you type or paste a URL in a Facebook status update or comment – on a personal profile, business page, event, or group – that URL will become a clickable link. Tap on the, How To Schedule Personal Google Plus Profile Posts, Facebook Brings Notes Into The Future, And It Is Gorgeous, 5 Dizzying Changes To Twitter Already In 2021, Instagram Trust Score: What It Is and How to Improve It, Agorapulse To Host Premiere Online Marketing Event, The Social Media Job Hazard No One Is Talking About. Make it easy to reach your site The entire ad is clickable, so people will be directed to your web … :) Hey ! 3 – Now you can paste the copied URL into a new Facebook post, a comment on another post, a blog post, or an instant message or email. Get people to act. Sign up for my Rick's Tech Tips Newsletter! Only when they do that can you link Twitter to Facebook by sharing their post. Sobald ein Link im Publisher auf Facebook eingefügt wird, erscheint die Linkvorschau. Now you’ll be able to post a status update on Facebook that will save you from having to log in to both services and post two separate updates. Machen Sie Ihren Fans den Link schmackhaft und sagen Sie, was Sie dazu bewegt hat, den Link … Du kannst im News Feed oder in deiner Facebook-Chronik einen Link teilen. Just follow the steps below for the device you’re using to copy the link any specific Facebook post and paste it wherever you want. Press Ctrl + V (Windows) or ⌘ Cmd + V (macOS) to paste the link. This blog uses cookies to ensure that you receive the best experience on my website. If a post includes images, videos, thumbnail links to outside sources, or content from another post (such as when sharing a link), indicate that in square brackets. Looops岡村(健)です。もうお気づきになられた方もいらっしゃるとは思いますがFacebookのリンク投稿の表示画像サイズが大きくなりました。 ※リンク投稿・・・テキスト投稿(画像なし)にURLリンクを記 […] Click here to sign up for my free Rick’s Daily Tips Email Newsletter! Join the 10,500 other awesome folks who have signed up for my Tech Tips Newsletter! How to add hyperlink to text in facebook post (Group Only) ? Just like any Facebook post, your boosted content can include text, an image or video, and a link.

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