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camping 5 étoiles atlantique

Former Prime Minister Abdelmalek Salal took charge as Bouteflika�s campaign director. "Fifty percent of the Algerian population, we are talking about 42 million people, is under the age of 27 and 30 percent of those are unemployed. While the presidency denies that anything ails Bouteflika, the public generally believed he suffers from stomach or intestinal cancer. The military, headed by Ahmed Gaid Salah, sees an election as the only acceptable exit from the political impasse. The demonstrations came a week after tens of thousands of people rallied in the North African state against 81-year-old Bouteflika's decision to stand in the April 18 election. The younger Bouteflika, who served as advisor to the president for more than a decade, was seen by many as having taken de facto control of the North African state, after his brother suffered a crippling stroke in 2013. The socio-political state in Algeria over the last 8 months has made the elections a non-starter for the public, given the deep distrust of the political system -that the ballot box has historically perpetuated. Movement of Society for Peace, the largest opposition Islamist party, said it would announce its position on the presidential elections when the �electoral commission is officially called� - implying that the deadline should be set by the president, and not by the army chief. Candidates for the December 12 election include former prime ministers Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Ali Benflis, former culture minister Azzedddine Mihoubi, former tourism minister Abdelkader Bengrine, and Abdelaziz Belaid, head of the El Mostakbal Movement party. Some predicted the pandemic, which now leaves Algeria with Africa�s biggest reported death toll, may unravel the largely peaceful Hirak protest movement born early in 2019. Keenan called the demonstrations "completely unprecedented". By comparison, when Bouteflika was hospitalized in Paris in late 2005, the Algerian press -- both official and private -- stuck to reporting the uninformative government communiques on Bouteflika's condition. Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia resigned and Noureddine Bedoui was appointed as the new prime minister. In a series of announcements on Monday evening, the presidency said the election, previously set for April, would now be postponed. Tayeb Belaiz informed the council, which will play a key role in upcoming presidential elections, that "he presented his resignation... to the head of state". var setNptTechAdblockerCookie = function(adblocker) { More than 24 million people were eligible to vote. He assumes the post for 60 days while presidential elections are held, but he cannot stand as a candidate himself. The next president would likely be chosen from a score of candidates running for the election, such as PM Ahmed Ouyahia, former PM Abdelmalek Sellal and former Energy Minister Chakib Khelil. The so-called Arab Spring that began in neighboring Tunisia in 2011, and swept across the region, left little mark on Algeria. However, unlike some of the revolutionary movements of the Arab Spring, it totally rejected violence. Eventually, , a record six in 10 Algerians abstained, Charfi said, the highest rate for a multi-party election since independence from France in 1962. Bouteflika pledged 03 March 2019 not to serve a full term if re-elected at April polls following huge protests against his bid to extend his 20 years in power. In December 2018, Bouteflika, who has been wheelchair-bound since 2013, was unable to meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman when he came to Algiers for a two-day visit due to acute flu. var script = document.createElement("script"); d.setTime(d.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 * 1000); The establishment believe all solutions must be derived from the constitution, in order to preserve the state�s institutions and security, which many view as a smokescreen for the military to maintain its position of imposing political leaders who represent their interests. By 2006 Algerians were increasingly discussing and expressing concern about President Bouteflika's health. However, the men on the ballot all have close links with the establishment, and though some of them pushed for reforms, many still see them as part of an entrenched, unchanging elite. }, Page last modified: "There will be no vote!" Tebboune, 74, took 58.15 percent of the vote, trouncing his four fellow contenders without the need for a second-round runoff, electoral commission chairman Mohamed Charfi announced. The coronavirus pandemic has emptied streets once packed with millions of anti-government protesters, while authorities continue a campaign of intimidation and arrests. The president's office made the announcement 01 April 2019 after weeks of street protests, delays, resignations and political discussions. When performing the national oath, Bouteflika failed to read a full paragraph, leaving the impression that he would have great difficulty in fulfilling responsibilities during his fourth mandate. On 20 March 2020, for the first time in over a year, the streets of the Algerian capital were quiet and almost empty on Friday, the day of weekly anti-government rallies. They argue that no one can lead Algeria in its coming stage but Bouteflika. The beginning of Algerian protests in February 2019, which continued through the year, were paradoxical in that the Algerian movement did fall within either of these Arab Spring categories. Ghediri has bolstered his profile with a series of prominent media appearances in recent weeks. Despite calling for the departure of the unpopular prime minister Noureddine Bedoui, former prime minister Ali Benflis�who has attempted, and failed, to bag the presidency twice against Bouteflika�is hoping to succeed in 2019. Five candidates would run in Algeria�s presidential election, including two former prime ministers, the head of the election authority said on 02 November 2019, amid mass protests rejecting the vote. Facebook group with more than 60,000 members was hacked and shutdown by the state. Every Thursday and Friday, and eventually other days as well, the Algerian movement persisted with the same dramatic demands. Authorities in Algeria, which has suffered 10 deaths from the new coronavirus and reported 90 confirmed cases of the disease sweeping the globe, have banned marches, while the opposition itself has suspended rallies. So in terms of intensity, scale, geographic location, and numbers there was a very different level. Hirak�s opposition to the election set up a showdown over turnout - with the army and ruling establishment hoping for enough participation to ensure the legitimacy of a new president who can then move to end the protests. On 04 May 2019 -Algerian police arrested former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's youngest brother alongside two former intelligence chiefs. The revenues from oil in the last 20 years have been at least a trillion dollars. The statement came after weeks of massive protests against the extension of the president�s fourth term. Security forces, both uniformed and plain-clothed, flooded Algiers for the 41st�consecutive Friday of demonstrations, deploying water cannon and anti-barricade vehicles. The deadline for registration passed at midnight on May 25. Interpretation of the ongoing Algerian movement called "Hirak" (meaning "movement" in Arabic) were highly contested among political commentators. The uncertain outcome of this process appears to worry elements of the regime. The military may seem like they have their personal pick from the 120 plus potentials who have submitted their candidacies. Thousands of people took to the streets of Algeria's capital on 01 March 2019 to protest against ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's bid for a fifth term in power, AFP news agency reported. "We must find a way out of this crisis immediately, within the constitutional framework," Lt Gen Ahmed Gaed Salah said in a televised speech 26 March 2019. The Arab Spring was categorized as either a revolutionary movement or, more narrowly, as different social movements. Relying on a legitimacy buoyed by his perceived victimhood under Bouteflika�s presidency and his backing of the popular movement (despite coming out in support of Bouteflika�s fifth term in January this year), his chances of capturing public trust are slim. The protests were largely peaceful, butthere were reports of violence that left at least one person dead. Ali Ghediri, a former defence ministry personnel director, on 19 January 2019 became the first candidate to announce a run for president in April elections, as ailing incumbent Abdelaziz Bouteflika's intentions remained unknown. The protests following Bouteflika's decision to seek reelection in 2014 involved tens to hundreds of protesters. And on 02 April 2019, Gaid Salah, the country's powerful army chief and a long-time loyalist of the president, issued a strongly worded statement condemning "the gang that had seized control of" Algerians' destiny, in a direct reference to the president's inner circle, including elite cronies benefitting from the decades-long status quo. But the Constitutional Council said in a statement that it had received the files of two candidates, Abdelhakim Hamadi and Hamid Touahri, both unknown figures to the public. Algeria�s army chief called for long-term leader Abdelaziz Bouteflika to be declared unfit to rule. People know this and are sick of it." Algeria�s Constitutional Council announced 26 May 2019 that two candidates had finally registered for the country�s July 4th presidential election, hours after public radio reported that a deadline had passed without any candidacy. Twenty-three candidates had applied to the election authority, but most failed to meet requirements which include collecting signatures from 25 of the country�s 48 provinces. The secretive military-based establishment known to Algerians as �le pouvoir� (the powers-that-be) appeared to have stood aside while the demonstrations have taken place. The president will take "steps to ensure state institutions continue to function during the transition period," Boutflika's office said in a statement relayed on television. The �Algeria Stand Up� (Alg�rie � Debout! ) Now there were hundreds of thousands of protesters. He returned as housing minister from 2012 to 2017 when he was briefly appointed prime minister. The statement noted challenges hindering the political process, establishes corruption and creates gangs, is the impartiality of elections and lack of neutrality of state institutions. A photographer and journalist from local media were briefly detained by police and removed from the protests before being released, an AFP journalist said. The resultant frustration has led to frequent protests, demonstrations and civil disobedience throughout the country. The coronavirus threat put paid to what would have been the 57th straight Friday of "Hirak" anti-regime protests since February 22, 2019, leaving mainly policemen, most wearing masks, out on the streets. Protesters had targeted the "3B" - Belaiz, Prime Minister Noureddine Bedoui, and Abdelkader Bensalah, who served as upper house speaker until being appointed interim president after Bouteflika's resignation. The former believe elections cannot be held so long as remnants of the old regime are active and the people are not given the sovereignty afforded to them by the constitution to choose their next leader. Bedoui's departure was a major demand of protesters, who in early April forced long-time president Abdelaziz Bouteflika to quit, and who had rejected fresh polls until there is a more thorough change of the power structure. They want regime figures including army chief Ahmed Gaid Salah and interim President Abdelkader Bensalah to step down ahead of any poll and demand new independent institutions to oversee voting. The opposition says he is not fit to run again. Foreign observers characterized the elections as largely peaceful but noted low voter turnout and a high rate of ballot invalidity. Abdelaziz Belaid was a senior member of the FLN. The scale of the protests surprised many in Algeria and represented the biggest challenge in years to Bouteflika. About one million people took to the streets of Algiers on Friday 29 March 2019 to demand the resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, police officers at the scene said, in the biggest demonstration since unrest erupted six weeks ago. he added. Protesters opposed Bouteflika running for a fifth term in office, but there was also anger at the country�s high joblessness and alleged government corruption. Said Bouteflika and Generals Bachir Athmane Tartag and Mohamed Mediene were taken into custody on Saturday for questioning. Abdelaziz Bouteflika's resignation followed an aggressive call from the country's defense ministry for the embattled president to quit "immediately" following weeks of street protests. (function(src){var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.async=true;a.src=src;var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)})("//"); On 22 February 2019, Algerians took to the streets to protestPresident Abdelaziz Bouteflika�s attempt to run for a fifth mandate. In a statement on state television, the constitutional council said it had received only two candidates, who were deemed invalid. Algeria cannot hold a presidential election planned for July 4 due to a lack of valid candidates, its constitutional council said on 02 June 2019, prolonging the country's transition after President Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigned two months earlier. The ailing leader vowed in an 11th-hour letter read out on state television to organise a "national conference" that would set a date for early polls which he would not contest. In a sense they have got rid of their fear of the repressive regime. The military may back a relatively unknown �clean� candidate with no obvious links to the previous regime, who will honour the unwritten agreement of ruling as the civilian mask of the military�s power. Algeria on 18 January 2019 announced a presidential election for 18 April 2019 without indicating whether veteran leader Abdelaziz Bouteflika would stand, following calls for his nomination by a loyal ruling caste of businessmen, trade unions and the military. Demonstrations have since continued, with protesters demanding Bensalah's resignation and an end to the dominance of the elite who have ruled Algeria since it won independence from France in 1962. Only a handful of the top leaders (Bouteflika and the military) know the truth about Bouteflika's health, and Bouteflika might yet surprise people. If Bouteflika does not opt for a fifth stay in office, the same bloc would remain in power. He served in Bouteflika's government from 1999 to 2002 as communications and then housing minister. Protesters fear the poll will cement in power politicians close to ex-president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who quit in April under popular pressure after two decades as head of state.

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